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The following books listed in this bibliography are available for purchase online, or you may use the ISBN to order it from your local bookstore:

Kartiganer and Abadie

Faulkner and the Artist


ISBN: 0878058494


ISBN: 0878058486

Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost, JSTOR, Literature Online, Project MUSE, and netLibrary, to name just a few. Check with your local library for availability. Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Johnson, Susie Paul. Annotations to William Faulkner’s Pylon. William Faulkner, Annotations to the Novels Series. New York: Garland, 1989.

Knonagel, Axel. “Modernity and Mechanization: Pylon and the Novels of John Dos Passos.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4  (1997): 591-600.

Yerkes, David. “The Reporter’s Name in Pylon and Why That’s Important.” Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 3-8.

Zeitlin, Michael. “Faulkner’s Pylon: The City in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d’Etudes Americaines 22.2 (Fall 1991): 229-40.

---. “Pylon, Joyce, and Faulkner’s Imagination.” Faulkner and the Artist. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1993. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 181-207.

Zender, Karl F. “Money and Matter in Pylon and The Wild Palms.” Faulkner Journal 1.2 (Spring 1986): 17-29.

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Pylon: Bibliography.” William Faulkner on the Web.

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