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The following editions of Pylon are available for purchase online:

Pylon (Vintage Paperback) Pylon: The Corrected Text

Vintage International


ISBN: 0394747410

Published 1987

Novels, 1930-1935 Novels, 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, Pylon

Library of America


ISBN: 0940450267

Published 1985


Published March 25, 1935, by Harrison Smith and Robert Haas.

One of Faulkner’s few novels not set in Yoknapatawpha County, Pylon takes place at an air show in a thinly disguised New Orleans named New Valois. An unnamed reporter for a local newspaper tries to understand a very modern ménage à trois of flyers on the barnstorming circuit.

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How to cite this page (MLA style):

Padgett, John B. “Pylon: Commentary.” William Faulkner on the Web.

This page was last modified on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at 05:17 AM CDT.
Copyright © 1995 – 2008 by John B. Padgett.

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