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Faulkner and Academia

Though the mules plod in a steady and unflagging hypnosis, the vehicle does not seem to progress. It seems to hang suspended in the middle distance forever and forever, so infinitesimal is its progress, like a shabby bead upon the mild red string of road.

The following pages contain links to other Internet sites which may be of interest to you.

Academic Web Sites
Go to the William Faulkner Foundation, France

Major Sites

The William Faulkner Foundation is an excellent Faulkner site based in France and features information about Faulkner symposia, events, the Faulkner Centenary, and a mailing list and even on-line critical articles (though they sometimes are poorly formatted); if you want, you can even read the foundation's pages in French.

The William Faulkner Society is affiliated with the Faulkner Journal and includes information of interest to Faulkner scholars, including upcoming Faulkner-related events and calls for papers, membership information and how to join, and special announcements.

The William Faulkner Society of Japan web site includes calls for papers and membership and convention  information, but by far the most interesting feature is the online William Faulkner Journal of Japan. Two issues are currently online, the inaugural May 1999 issue and the June 2000 issue; each features scholarly articles by renowned contemporary Faulkner scholars and book reviews of recent critical books on Faulkner.

A Hypertext edition of The Sound and the Fury, being developed by interested parties in the University of Saskatchewan's English Department, includes critical articles, an innovative "chronological" option for the very non-linear Benjy's section, and graphs that show many interesting details of Benjy's psychology. Also interesting is the presence of certain intertexts alluded to or otherwise mentioned in the novel, such as the original canticle by Saint Francis that Quentin refers to when he talks about "Little Sister Death."

Other web Sites

At Faulkner, Malraux, Modernism, and Hypertext you'll find information linking Faulkner and Malraux, as well as a hypothetical hypertext version of As I Lay Dying.

Students at Starkville High School in Mississippi have put together this page on Faulkner as part of their Mississippi Writers and Musicians Page.

Another Faulkner page posted by a student at Tulane University includes biographical information and a couple of images (which prove that Faulkner was much bigger when he was old than when he was young).

The William Faulkner Campfire Chat is an online forum for readers (primarily students, I'm guessing)  to post and respond to comments and  questions about Faulkner in a Newsgroup-type setting, with threaded subjects dating back several years.

Articles and other resources:

Noted Faulkner scholar Arthur F. Kinney writes about "Faulkner and Racism" in an online version of the journal Connotations 3.3 (1993-94): 265-278. Highlighting the online version are responses to Kinney's article from Pamela Knight, John Cooley, Philip Cohen, and Ursula Brumm, as well as a counter-response from Kinney himself.

A fascinating web site features the English papers from an international Faulkner conference on "William Faulkner: Hollywood and the Media", which was held at Hong Kong's Chinese University and Baptist University November 26-28, 1993. Chinese papers presented at the conference were published separately, but the English papers are available at this web site, including Hardy C. Wilcoxon's "Faulkner’s World and 'High Context Culture'" and several radio drama adaptations of Faulkner’s short story "A Rose for Emily."

PAL: Perspectives in American Literature: A Research and Reference Guide features this page on Faulkner, which includes a selected bibliography, a biographical article, and study questions on Faulkner.

The Nobel Foundation has several pages on William Faulkner, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1949, including a biography, his acceptance speech, and other resources.

During the celebration of the Faulkner Centennial in 1997, Random House created a special section of its web site to honor Faulkner with an introductory essay, a brief biography of Faulkner, an interactive quiz, and of course, information about Faulkner books published by Random House.

This biographical article about Faulkner is presented as part of Pegasos: A Literature Related Resource Site based in Finland.

The Constant Reader web site features a number of archives of past reader discussions, including ones for Absalom, Absalom! and The Sound and the Fury.

Encyclopedia Articles:

Universities and Academic Departments

Of course, one place you'll want to check out is the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), located in Faulkner’s adopted hometown of Oxford; while there, visit the Department of English and the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, which both feature department newsletters, listing of conferences, and the like.

Another good place to visit is the Center for Faulkner Studies at Southeast Missouri State University. At the center's web site you can find information about the Brodsky collection of Faulkner books, manuscripts, and other paraphernalia, a list of celebrations around the world of the centennial of Faulkner’s birth, and an online version of the Teaching Faulkner newsletter.

Also, you should check out the English Department at the University of Virginia, where Faulkner served as writer-in-residence for several semesters

Faulkner fans worldwide

Someone has put one of Faulkner’s "Al Jackson" letters (from Uncollected Stories) on-line  ...  And someone else has put "Was" (from Go Down, Moses) and "A Rose for Emily" (from Collected Stories) on-line, probably for a class (if you like these stories, BUY THE BOOKS...  Another fan has put online a nicely detailed plot summary of Light in August  ... 

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