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The following books listed in this bibliography are available for purchase online, or you may use the ISBN to order it from your local bookstore:

Bertens and Bertens

“Writing” Nation and “Writing” Region in America

ISBN: 9053834222

Brooks, Cleanth

William Faulkner: Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond

ISBN: 0807116025

William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country


ISBN: 0807116017

Irwin, John T.

Doubling and Incest, Repetition and Revenge: A Speculative Reading of Faulkner

Johns Hopkins UP

Rev. 1996 ed.

ISBN: 0801852315

Kartiganer and Abadie

Faulkner and Ideology


ISBN: 0878057595


ISBN: 0878057609

Kolmerten, et al.

Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned


ISBN: 0878059555


ISBN: 0878059563

Parker, Robert Dale

Absalom, Absalom! The Questioning of Fictions


ISBN: 0805780718


ISBN: 0805781161

Sundquist, Eric

Faulkner: The House Divided

ISBN: 0801831644

Wadlington, Warwick

Reading Faulknerian Tragedy

ISBN: 0801420113

Weinstein, Philip M. The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner

The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner


ISBN: 0521420636


ISBN: 0521421675

More books about
Absalom, Absalom!

Bloom, Harold (ed.)

William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: Modern Critical Interpretations

Chelsea House

ISBN: 1555460399

Published 1987

Goldman, Arnold (ed.)

Twentieth Century Interpretations of Absalom, Absalom!

Prentice Hall

ISBN: 0130008281

Published 1972

Kinney, Arthur F. (ed.)

Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Sutpen Family

Twayne Publishers


ISBN: 0816173141

Published 1996

Kuyk, Dirk

Sutpen’s Design: Interpreting Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!

University Press of Virginia


ISBN: 0813912601

Published 1990

Langford, Gerald

Faulkner’s Revision of Absalom, Absalom!: A Collation of the Manuscript and the Published Book

University of Texas Press

ISBN: 0292701136

Published 1971

Montauzon, Christine de

Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Interpretability: The Inexplicable Unseen

Peter Lang Publishing


ISBN: 3261035153

Published 1985

Muhlenfeld, Elizabeth

William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: A Critical Casebook


ISBN: 0824092279

Published 1984

Polk, Noel

Absalom, Absalom!: A Concordance to the Novel

UMI Research Press

ISBN: 0835708632

Published 1989

Absalom, Absalom!: The Typescript Setting Copy and Miscellaneous Materials


ISBN: 0824068173

Published 1987

Ragan, David Paul

Annotations to William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!


ISBN: 0824042352

Published 1991

William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: A Critical Study

UMI Research Press

ISBN: 0835719936

Published 1989

Schoenberg, Estella

Old Tales and Talking: Quentin Compson in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Related Works

University Press of Mississippi

ISBN: 0878050302

Published 1977

Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost, JSTOR, Literature Online, Project MUSE, and netLibrary, to name just a few. Check with your local library for availability. Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Armstrong, Julie Buckner. “The Romance of Recovery in Hawthorne, Faulkner, and Morrison.”  DAI 57.9 March 1997): 3932.

Batty, Nancy E. “The Riddle of Absalom, Absalom!: Looking at the Wrong Blackbird?” Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 461-89.

---. “Riff, Refrain, Reframe: Toni Morrison’s Song of Absalom.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 77-98.

Batty, Nancy Ellen. “Economies of Desire: Reading Between Toni Morrison and William Faulkner.” DAI 55.9 (1995): 2826A. U of Western Ontario.

---. “Riff, Refrain, Reframe: Toni Morrison’s Song of Absalom.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.

Benson, Sean. “The Abrahamic Mythopoeia of Sutpen’s Design: ‘Notrespectablility’ in Search of a Dynasty.” Mississippi Quarterly 50.3 (Summer 1997): 450-64.

Bentley-Baker, Dan. “Investigation into the Holographic Memory Model in Relation to Multiple Narration in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 19.3-4 (August 1998): 236-43.

Betz, B. G. Till. “Absalom, Absalom! and The Sound and the Fury: Quentin’s Failure to Create a Mythic Reconstruction.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1993-1995): 438-54.

Bevilacqua, Winifred Farrant. “History into Narrative: William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!The Artists and His Masks: William Faulkner’s Metafiction. Ed. Agostino Lombardo. Rome: Bulzoni, 1991. 255-78.

Bloom, Harold, ed. William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! Modern Critical Interpretations series. New York: Chelsea House, 1987.

Bockting, Ineke. “Deconstructing the ‘Necessary’ World: Southern Defensive Narrative and the Childhood Autobiography.” “Writing” Nation and “Writing” Region in America. Eds. Theo D’haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: VU UP, 1996. 145-55.

Bollinger, Laurel. “‘That Triumvirate Mother-Woman’: Narrative Authority and Interdividuality in Absalom, Absalom!” Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 9.3 (December 1998): 197-223.

Boone, Joseph A. “Creation by the Father’s Fiat: Paternal Narrative, Sexual Anxiety, and the Deauthorizing Designs of Absalom, Absalom!” Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism. Eds. Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1997. 1068-86.

Brodsky, Claudia. “The Working of Narrative in Absalom, Absalom!Amerikastudien 23 (1978): 240-59.

Brooks, Cleanth. “History and the Sense of the Tragic (Absalom, Absalom!). William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country (1963). 295-324.

---. “The Narrative Structure of Absalom, Absalom!William Faulkner: Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond (1978). 301-28.

---. “Thomas Sutpen: A Representative Southern Planter?” William Faulkner: Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond (1978). 283-300.

Brooks, Peter. Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1992.

Brown, Joseph. “To Cheer the Weary Traveler: Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, and History.” Mississippi Quarterly 49.4 (Fall 1996): 709-26.

Byerman, Keith E. “Untold Stories: Black Daughters in Absalom, Absalom! and The Bluest Eye.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.

Clarke, Deborah L. “Familiar and Fantastic: Women in Absalom, Absalom!Faulkner Journal 2.1 (Fall 1986): 62-72.

Close, Steven M. “Approaching a Stylistics of Modernism: History as Haunting in the Novels of Woolf, Faulkner and Morrison.” DAI 56.5 (November 1995): 1769A.

Cohn, Deborah. “The Case of the Fabricated Facts: Historical Reconstruction in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Vargas Llosa’s Historia de Mayta.” The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association 21 (May 1997): 25-48.

Collington, Philip. “Shame in Japan and the American South: Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!” Scenes of Shame: Psychoanalysis, Shame, and Writing. Eds. Joseph Adamson and Hillary Clark. Albany: State U of New York P, 1999. 167-87.

Cowley, Malcolm. “Absalom, Absalom! as a Legend of the Deep South.” Readings on William Faulkner. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998. 142-48.

Cullick, Jonathan S. “‘I Had a Design’: Sutpen as Narrator in Absalom, Absalom!” Southern Literary Journal 28.2 (Spring 1996): 48-58.

Cunningham, J. Christopher. “Sutpen’s Designs: Masculine Reproduction and the Unmaking of the Self-Made Man in Absalom, Absalom!” Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 563-89.

Dale, Corinne. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Snopes Trilogy: Southern Patriarchy in Revision.” Mississippi Quarterly 45.3 (Summer 1992): 321-37.

Dalziel, Pamela. “Absalom, Absalom!: The Extension of Dialogic Form.” Mississippi Quarterly 45.3 (Summer 1992): 277-94.

Davidson, Michael. “Strange Blood: Hemophobia and the Unexplored Boundaries of Queer Nation.” Beyond the Binary: Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Multicultural Context. Ed. Timothy B. Powell. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1999. 39-60.

Davis, Thadious M. Faulkner’s “Negro” (1983). 179-238.

Dickerson, Lynn. “Thomas Sutpen: Mountaineer Stereotype in Absalom, Absalom!Appalachian History 12 (Spring 1984): 73-78.

Dimino, Andrea. “Miss Rosa as ‘Love’s Androgynous Advocate’: Gender and Narrative Indeterminacy in Chapter 5 of Absalom, Absalom!” Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 181-96.

Doell, Cynthia Rae. “Structures of Temporality, Reflections on History: Twentieth Century Literature and Theory.” DAI 53.5 (November 1992): 1508A.

Donaldson, Susan V. “Keeping Quentin Compson Alive: The Last Gentleman, The Second Coming, and the Problem of Masculinity.” Walker Percy’s Feminine Characters. Eds. Lewis A. Lawson. and Elzbieta H. Oleksy. Troy, NY: Whitston, 1995. 62-77.

Donnelly, Colleen E. “Compelled to Believe: Historiography and Truth in Absalom, Absalom!Style 25.1 (Spring 1991): 104-22.

Donlon, Jocelyn Hazelwood. “Porches: Stories: Power: Spatial and Racial Intersections in Faulkner and Hurston.” Journal of American Culture 19.4 (Winter 1996): 95-110.

Dowling, Gregory. “Casting a Shadow: Glauco Cambon’s Translation of Absalom, Absalom!” Le traduzioni italiane di William Faulkner. Ed. Sergio  Perosa. Venice, Italy: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1998. 117-40.

Dunleavy, Linda Ellen. “Women’s Place, Women’s Voice: Counter-Narrative in the Fiction of Melville, Dreiser and Faulkner.” DAI 54.9 (1994): 3434A-35A. State U of New York, Buffalo.

Dunne, Robert. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Ripple-Effect of the Past.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 10 (1992): 56-66.

Egan, Philip J. “Embedded Story Structures in Absalom, Absalom!American Literature 55 (May 1983): 199-214.

Entzminger, Betina. “‘Listen to Them Being Ghosts’: Rosa’s Words of Madness That Quentin Can’t Hear.” College Literature 25.2 (Spring 1998): 108-20.

Eyster, Kevin I. “Literary Folkloristics and Faulkner’s Fiction.” DAI 52.5 (November 1991): 1746A-47A.

Foerst, Jenny Jennings. “Crosshatching: Postgendering Structures in Absalom, Absalom! and The Golden Bowl.” DAI 59.7 (1999): 2501.

Ford, Daniel G. “Comments on William Faulkner’s Temporal Vision in Sanctuary, The Sound and the Fury, Light in August, Absalom, Absalom!Southern Quarterly 15 (1977): 283-90.

Ford, Sarah Gibreath. “Oral Traditions as the Intersection of Postmodern and Southern: Faulkner, Hurston, and Welty.” DAI 58.12 June 1998): 4652-53.

Fowler, Doreen. Faulkner’s Changing Vision (1983). 41-46.

Friedman, Alan Warren. William Faulkner (1984). 54-73.

Garfield, Deborah Michelle. “Power: Women, Privation and Language in American Narrative, 1861-1936.” DAI 53.1 (July 1992): 150A.

Geoffroy, Alain. “Le Pouvoir à la lettre dans Absalom, Absalom! de William Faulkner.” Alines: Revue Angliciste de la Reunion 2-3 (1991-1992): 47-56. In French.

Geoffroy, Alain. “Through Rosa’s Looking-Glass: Narcissism and Identification in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Mississippi Quarterly 45.3 (Summer 1992): 313-21.

Godden, Richard. “Absalom, Absalom! and Faulkner’s Erroneous Dating of the Haitian Revolution.” Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 489-95.

Godden, Richard. “Absalom, Absalom!, Haiti and Labor History: Reading Unreadable Revolutions.” ELH 61.3 (Fall 1994): 685-720.

Goldberg, Wendy Fay. “Faulkner’s Haunted House: The Figure of the Recluse in Light in August’ and Absalom, Absalom!” DAI 57.6 (December 1996): 2475A.

Golden, Kenneth L. “Faulkner and the Furies.” Dionysus in Literature: Essays on Literary Madness. Ed. Branimir M. Rieger. Bowling Green, OH: Popular, 1994. 186-96.

Goldman, Arnold, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Absalom, Absalom! Twentieth Century Interpretations Series. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

Gray, Richard. “Needing to Talk: Language and Being in Losing Battles.” The Late Novels of Eudora Welty. Ed.s Jan Nordby Gretlund and Karl-Heinz Westarp. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1998. 41-55.

Hagan, John. “Déjà Vu and the Effect of Timelessness in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Bucknell Review 11 (March 1963): 31-52.

Hagan, John. “Fact and Fancy in Absalom, Absalom!College English 24 (1962): 215-18.

Hagopian, John V. “Black Insight in Absalom, Absalom!Faulkner Studies 1 (1980): 29-37.

Halfmann, Ulrich. “Die Tryrannei der Lesererwartung: Anmerkungen zu Rezeption und Edition von Faulkners Absalom, Absalom!” Expedition nach der Wahrheit. Eds. Stefan Horlacher and Marion Islinger. Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1996. 567-83.

Hannon, Charles. “Teaching the Conflicts as Temporary Instructor.” College Literature 24.2 (June 1997): 126-41.

Hicks, Gina L. “Reterritorializing Desire: The Failure of Ceremony in Absalom, Absalom!” Faulkner Journal 12.2 (Spring 1997): 23-39.

Hogan. Michael. “Built on the Ashes: The Fall of the House of Sutpen and the Rise of the House of Sethe.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.

Holton, Robert. Jarring Witnesses: Modern Fiction and the Representation of History. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994

Irmscher, Christoph. “Facing Absalom, Absalom!” Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4 (1997): 601-11.

Irwin, John T. Doubling and Incest/Repetition and Revenge: A Speculative Reading of Faulkner. 1975. Expanded ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1996.

Jones, Suzanne W. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Southern Custom of Story-telling: A Reflection of Southern Social and Literary History.” Southern Studies 24 (Spring 1985): 83-112.

Justus, James H. “Absalom, Absalom! as an Epic Novel.” Readings on William Faulkner. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998. 149-58.

Kinney, Arthur F. Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Compson Family. Critical Essays in American Literature Series. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1982.

Kinney, Arthur F. Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Sutpen Family. Critical Essays in American Literature Series. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1996.

Kodat, Catherine Gunther. “A Postmodern Absalom, Absalom!, a Modern Beloved: The Dialectic of Form.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997.

Krause, David. “Opening Pandora’s Box: Re-Reading Compson’s Letter and Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Centennial Review 30 (1986): 358-82.

Krause, David. “Reading Bon’s Letter and Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!PMLA 99 (1984): 225-41.

Krause, David. “Reading Shreve’s Letters and Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Studies in American Fiction 11 (Autumn 1983): 153-69.

Ladd, Barbara. “‘The Direction of the Howling’: Nationalism and the Color Line in Absalom, Absalom!.” American Literature 66.3 (September 1994): 525-51.

---. Nationalism and the Color Line in George W. Cable, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Leach, Elsie. “Building One’s Own House: Walden and Absalom, Absalom.San Jose Studies 17.2 (Spring 1991): 62-83.

Lee, Kyhan. “Narration as Tragic Experience in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!” Journal of English Language & Literature (Seoul, Korea) 40.4 (Winter 1994): 743-54.

Lidsey, William D. “Disorder as Order: Absalom, Absalom!’s Inversion of the Judeo-Christian Creation Myth.” Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 85-102.

MacLelland, Jackie. “Honor and Milly Jones in Absalom, Absalom!Mount Olive Review 6 (Spring 1992): 52-55.

Martin, Matthew Roberts. “The Frontier Plantation: Failed Innocence in Gone with the Wind and Absalom, Absalom! DAI 55.5 (November 1994): 1263A.

Martin, Reginald. “The Quest for Recognition over Reason: Charles Bon’s Death-Journey into Mississippi.” South Central Bulletin 43 (Winter 1983): 117-20.

Martin, Robert K. “Haunted Jim Crow: Gothic Fictions by Hawthorne and Faulkner.” American Gothic: New Inventions in a National Narrative. Eds. Robert K Martin and Eric Savoy. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1998. 129-42.

Maszewska, Jadwiga. “Functions of the Narrative Method in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.” Faulkner, His Contemporaries, and His Posterity. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Tubingen: Francke, 1993. 317-21.

Meeter, Glen. “Quentin as Redactor: Biblical Analogies in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 103-26.

Miller, J. Hillis. “Ideology and Topography in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!.” Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 253-77.

---. “The Two Relativisms: Point of View and Indeterminacy in the Novel Absalom, Absalom!Relativism in the Arts. Ed. B. J. Craige. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1983. 148-70.

Montauzon, Christine de. Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Interpretability: The Inexplicable Unseen. Berne, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 1985.

Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth, ed. William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: A Critical Casebook. New York: Garland, 1984.

Novak, Phillip. “Signifying Silences: Morrison’s Soundings in the Faulknerian Void.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 199-216.

O’Donnell, Patrick. “Faulkner and Postmodernism.” The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 31-50.

Ohmine, Haruko. “The Umbilical Cord of Narrative in Absalom, Absalom!Faulkner Studies 1.1 (1991): 43-59.

Owens, Clarke. “Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Explicator 42 (Spring 1984): 45-46.

Parker, Jo Alyson. “Strange Attractors in Absalom, Absalom!” Reading Matters: Narratives in the New Media Ecology. Eds. Joseph Tabbi and Michael Wutz. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1997. 99-118.

Parker, Robert Dale. Absalom, Absalom!: The Questioning of Fictions. Twayne’s Masterwork Studies 76. New York: Twayne, 1991.

---. “The Chronology and Genealogy of Absalom, Absalom!: The Authority of Fiction and the Fiction of Authority.” Studies in American Fiction 14 (Autumn 1986): 191-98.

---. “Something Happening: Absalom, Absalom! and Imagination.” Faulkner and the Novelistic Imagination (1985). 115-46.

Parr, Susan Resneck. “The Fourteenth Image of the Blackbird: Another Look at Truth in Absalom, Absalom!Arizona Quarterly 35 (1979): 153-64.

Peters, Erskine. “The Bon Family.” Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Sutpen Family. Ed. Arthur F. Kinney. New York: Hall, 207-15.

Poland, Tim. “Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!Explicator 50.4 (Summer 1992): 239-41.

Polloczek, Dieter. “Gedachtnissimulationen in Faulkners Absalom, Absalom!Gedachtniskunst: Raum - Bild - Schrift. Studien zur Mnemotechnik. Eds. Anselm Haverkamp and Renate Lachmann. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1991. 409-43. In German.

Porter, Carolyn. “Absalom, Absalom!: (Un)Making the Father.” The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 168-96.

Price, Steve. “Shreve’s Bon in Absalom, Absalom!Mississippi Quarterly 39 (Summer 1986): 325-35.

Ragan, David Paul. Annotations to William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner, Annotations to the Novels Series. New York: Garland, 1991.

Ragan, David Paul. William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: A Critical Study. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1987.

Railey, Kevin. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Southern Ideology of Race.” Faulkner Journal 14.2 (1999): 41-55.

---. “Paternalism and Liberalism: Contending Ideologies in Absalom, Absalom!Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 115-32.

Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. American Designs: The Late Novels of James and Faulkner. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1991.

Reichardt, Ulfried. “Perceiving and Representing Slavery and ‘Race’ through Time: William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!” Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4 (1997): 613-24.

Riese, Utz. “Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and Kafka’s The Castle: Ethical Space in Modernity’s Discourse of History.” Faulkner, His Contemporaries, and His Posterity. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Tubingen: Francke, 1993. 77-86.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr. “William Faulkner: Why, the Very Idea.” Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 329-52.

Rubenstein, Roberta. “History and Story, Sign and Design: Faulknerian and Postmodern Voices in Jazz.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 152-64.

Ruppersburg, Hugh M. Voice and Eye in Faulkner’s Fiction (1983). 81-132.

Ruzicka, William T. “Absalom, Absalom!: ‘Something Like a Wing of Versailles.’” Faulkner’s Fictive Architecture: The Meaning of Place in the Yoknapatawpha Novels. Studies in Modern Literature 67. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1987.

Ryan, Heberden W. “Behind Closed Doors: The Unknowable and the Unknowing in Absalom, Absalom!Mississippi Quarterly 45.3 (Summer 1992): 295-312.

Saldivar, Ramon. “Looking for a Master Plan: Faulkner, Paredes, and the Colonial and Postcolonial Subject.” The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 96-120.

Saunders, Rebecca. “On Lamentation and the Redistribution of Possessions: Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and the New South.” Modern Fiction Studies 42.4 (Winter 1996): 730-62.

Saunders, Rebecca Ann. “Poetics of Loss: The Modern and Its Lamentations.” DAI 56.1 (1995): 185A-86A. U of Wisconsin, Madison.

Scherer, Olga. “A Polyphonic Insert: Charles’s Letter to Judith.” Gresset and Polk, Intertextuality in Faulkner (1985). 168-77.

Schmidtberger, Loren F. “Absalom, Absalom!: What Clytie Knew.” Mississippi Quarterly 35 (Summer 1982): 255-63.

Schmidtberger, Loren. “Names in Absalom, Absalom!American Literature 55 (March 1983): 83-88.

Schultz, William J. “Just Like Father: Mr. Compson as Cavalier Romancer in Absalom, Absalom!Kansas Quarterly 14 (Spring 1982): 115-23.

Schwartz, Richard A. “Modernist American Classical Tragedy: Absalom, Absalom!Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 15.3-4 (August 1994): 212-21.

Simas, Rosa Maria. “‘Ripples,’ a ‘Gyrating Wheel’ and a ‘Spiral on a Square’: Circularity in Three Twentieth Century Novels of the Americas.” DAI 51.8 (February 1991): 2737A-38A.

---. “‘Ripples,’ ‘Una rueda giratoria,’ and ‘A Espiral e o Quadrado’: Circularity in Three Twentieth-Century Novels of the Americas. “ Translation Perspectives 6 (1991): 87-98.

Skinfill, Mauri. “Faulkner, Franklin, and the Sons of the Father.” Faulkner Journal 10.1 (Fall 1994): 29-56.

Slaughter, Carolyn Norman. “Absalom, Absalom!: ‘Fluid Cradle of Events (Time).’” Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 65-84.

Smith, Beverly. “A Note on Shreve Mackenzie.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1995): :465.

Stanchich, Maritza. “The Hidden Caribbean ‘Other’ in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: An Ideological Ancestry of U. S. Imperialism.” Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 603-17.

Sundquist, Eric J. “Absalom, Absalom! and the House Divided.” Faulkner: The House Divided (1983). 96-130.

Taylor, Walter. “Clytie’s Secret.” Faulkner’s Search for a South (1983). 99-117.

Torsney, Cheryl B. “The Vampire Motif in Absalom, Absalom!Southern Review 20 (Summer 1984): 562-69.

Valente, Luiz Fernando. “Marriages of Speaking and Hearing: Meditation and Response in Absalom, Absalom! and Grande Sertao: Veredas.” Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 149-64.

Vegso, Roland. “‘Let Me Play a While Now’: The Hermeneutics of Heritage and William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4 (1997): 625-36.

Vendrame, Alessandra. “Toni Morrison: A Faulknerian Novelist?” Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4 (1997): 679-84.

Wadlington, Warwick. “The House of Absalom, Absalom!: Voices, Daughters, and the Question of Catharsis.” Reading Faulknerian Tragedy (1987). 170-219.

Wagner-Martin, Linda. “Rosa Coldfield as Daughter: Another of Faulkner’s Lost Children.” Studies in American Fiction 19.1 (Spring 1991): 1-13.

Watson, Jay. “And Now What’s To Do: Faulkner, Reading, Praxis.” Faulkner Journal 14.1 (Fall 1998): 67-74.

Weinstein, Philip M. “David and Solomon: Fathering in Faulkner and Morrison.” Unflinching Gaze: Morrison and Faulkner Re-Envisioned. Eds. Carol A. Kolmerten, Stephen M. Ross, and Judith Bryant Wittenberg. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 48-74.

Westling, Louise. “Thomas Sutpen’s Marriage to the Dark Body of the Land.” Faulkner and the Natural World: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1996. Eds. Donald Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1999. 126-42.

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Wilson, Deborah. “‘A Shape to Fill a Lack’: Absalom, Absalom! and the Pattern of History.” Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 61-81.

Xiao, Minghan. “The Fundamental Unfinalizability of Absalom, Absalom!New Orleans Review 18.3 (Fall 1991): 34-47.

Yoshida, Michiko. “Kenji Nakagami as Faulkner’s Rebellious Heir.” Faulkner, His Contemporaries, and His Posterity. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Tubingen: Francke, 1993. 350-60.

Ziegler, Heide. “The Fragile Pandora’s Box of Scrawled Paper: A Different Reading of Absalom, Absalom!Amerikastudien/American Studies 42.4 (1997): 637-48.

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Zender, Karl F. “Faulkner and the Politics of Incest.” American Literature 70.4 (December 1998): 739-65.

Zoellner, Robert H. “Faulkner’s Prose Style in Absalom, Absalom!American Literature 30 (January 1959): 486-502.

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