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The following books listed in this bibliography are available for purchase online, or you may use the ISBN to order it from your local bookstore:

Brooks, Cleanth

William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country

ISBN: 0807116017

Kartiganer and Abadie

Faulkner in Cultural Context


ISBN: 157806001X


ISBN: 1578060028

Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost, JSTOR, Literature Online, Project MUSE, and netLibrary, to name just a few. Check with your local library for availability. Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Brooks, Cleanth. “The Community in Action (Intruder in the Dust).” William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country (1963): 279-94.

Brylowski, Walter. “The Theme of Maturation in Intruder in the Dust.” Readings on William Faulkner. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998. 172-76.

Carmichael, Thomas. “Intruder in the Text: Faulkner’s Djuna Barnes.” Faulkner Journal 14.1 (Fall 1998): 21-30.

Estes, Ann Marie. “The Southern Way: A Comparison of A Gathering of Old Men and Intruder in the Dust.” Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 23.11 (Spring 1997): 33-40.

Fadiman, Regina K. Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust: Novel into Film. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1977.

Hannon, Charles. “Race Fantasies: The Filming of Intruder in the Dust.”  Faulkner in Cultural Context. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1995. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 263-83.

Karaganis, Joe. “Negotiating the National Voice in Faulkner’s Late Work.” Arizona Quarterly 54.4 (Winter 1998)): 53-81.

Moreland, Richard C. “Contextualizing Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust: Sherlock Holmes, Chick Mallison, Decolonialization, and Change.” Faulkner Journal 12.2 (Spring 1997): 57-68.

Schmitz, Neil. “Faulkner and the Post-Confederate.” Faulkner in Cultural Context. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1995. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1997. 241-62.

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Intruder in the Dust: Bibliography.” William Faulkner on the Web.

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