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The following editions of Intruder in the Dust are available for purchase online:

Intruder in the Dust (Vintage Paperback Edition) Intruder in the Dust

Vintage Books


ISBN: 0679736514

Published 1991

Novels, 1942-1954 Novels, 1942-1954: Go Down, Moses, Intruder in the Dust, Requiem for a Nun, A Fable

Library of America


ISBN: 0940450852

Published 1994

Intruder in the Dust: VHS Tape

Film directed by Clarence Brown (1949)


VHS Video Cassette

ISBN: 6302717752

Published 1993

Published September 27, 1948, by Random House.

Intruder in the Dust features the reappearance of Lucas Beauchamp of Go Down, Moses, who has been accused of murdering a white man, Vinson Gowrie. To save Lucas from an inevitable lynching, it is up to Chick Mallison to find the real murderer.

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How to cite this page (MLA style):

Padgett, John B. “Intruder in the Dust: Commentary.” William Faulkner on the Web.

This page was last modified on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at 05:17 AM CDT.
Copyright © 1995 – 2008 by John B. Padgett.
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