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Books for sale at

The following editions of The Reivers are available for purchase online:

The Reivers (Vintage Paperback Edition) The Reivers: A Reminiscence

Vintage Books


ISBN: 0679741925

Published 1992

The Reivers (Classic Collection)

Brilliance Corp.

Audio Cassette

ISBN: 1561005665

Published 1994

Novels, 1957-1962 Novels, 1957-1962: The Town, The Mansion, The Reivers

Library of America


ISBN: 1883011698

Published 1999


Published June 4, 1962, by Random House.

Faulkner received a second Pulitzer Prize for this, his last novel. The Reivers is a comic novel that tells of three unlikely car thieves from rural Mississippi - eleven-year-old Lucius “Loosh” Priest; a hapless worker for Loosh’s grandfather, Boon Hogganbeck; and the family’s black coachman, Ned McCaslin. When they steal Loosh’s grandfather's car to go on a joyride to Memphis, they embark upon a picaresque adventure involving horse smuggling, sheriff’s deputies, jail, and Miss Reba’s brothel.

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Padgett, John B. “The Reivers: Commentary.” William Faulkner on the Web.

This page was last modified on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at 05:17 AM CDT.
Copyright © 1995 – 2008 by John B. Padgett.
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