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“A Rose for Emily”:
Selected Bibliography

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Allen, Dennis W. “Horror and Perverse Delight: Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Modern Fiction Studies 30 (Winter 1984): 685-96.

Arensberg, Mary, and Sara E. Schyfter. “Hairoglyphics in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily’/Reading the Primal Trace.” Boundary 2 15.1-2 (Fall 1986-Winter 1987): 123-34.

Barnes, Daniel R. “Faulkner’s Miss Emily and Hawthorne’s Old Maid.” Studies in Short Fiction 9 (1972): 373-77.

Birk, John F. “Tryst beyond Time: Faulkner’s ‘Emily’ and Keats.” Studies in Short Fiction 28.2 (Spring 1991): 203-13.

Blythe, Hal. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 47.2 (Winter 1989): 49-50.

Bourdieu, Pierre. Trans. Richard Nice. “A Reflecting Story.” Rediscovering History: Culture, Politics, and the Psyche. Ed. Michael S. Roth. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 371-77.

Brooks, Cleanth. “The Sense of Community in Yoknapatawpha Fiction.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 15 (1978): 3-18.

Clausius, Claudia. “‘A Rose for Emily’: The Faulknerian Construction of Meaning.” Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 144-49.

Conway, Richard. “A Rose for Hedda.” CLA Journal 42.1 (September 1998): 87-90.

Curry, Renee R. “Gender and Authorial Limitation in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 391-402.

Davis, Sara, and Els Andringa. “Narrative Structure and Emotional Response.” Empirical Approaches to Literature. Ed. Gebhard Rusch. Siegen: Inst. for Empirical Lit. & Media Research, Siegen Univ, 1995. 236-44.

Davis, William V. “Another Flower for Faulkner’s Bouquet: Theme and Structure in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Notes on Mississippi Writers 7 (1974): 34-38.

Diaz Romero, Ana Monica, and Elvira Ines Colombres de Figueroa. “Claves miticas en ‘Una rosa para Emilia’ de William Faulkner.” II Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Comparada: ‘El cuento,’ I-II. Ed. Martha Vanbiesem de Burbridge. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Fundacion Maria Teresa Maiorana, 1995. II: 111-14.

Geher, Istvan. “The Skeleton in the Mythology: A Comparative Interpretation of the American Wild South and the Hungarian Wild East.” Faulkner, His Contemporaries, and His Posterity. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Tubingen: Francke, 1993. 110-19.

Hagopian, John V., and Martin Dolch. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 22 (1964): Item 68.

Harmon, Maryhelen C. “Old Maids and Old Mansions: The Barren Sisters of Hawthorne, Dickens, and Faulkner.” Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Eds. Sara Munson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999. 103-14.

Hays, Peter L. “Who Is Faulkner’s Emily?” Studies in American Fiction 16 (Spring 1988): 105-10.

Heller, Terry. “The Telltale Hair: A Critical Study of William Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Arizona Quarterly 28 (1972): 301-18.

Hochman, Baruch. Character in Literature. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1985. 149-52.

Holland, Norman N. “Fantasy and Defense in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Hartford Studies in Literature 4 (1972): 1-35.

Inge, M. Thomas. William Faulkner: “A Rose for Emily.” Charles E. Merrill Literary Casebook Series. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill, 1970.

Jacobs, John T. “Ironic Allusions in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Notes on Mississippi Writers 14 (1982): 77-79.

Kobler, J. F. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 32 (1974): 65.

Kojima, Nobuo. “Faulkner’s Voice.” Trans. K. Ohashi. Ohashi and Ono, Faulkner Studies in Japan (1985). 189-90.

Kurtz, Elizabeth Carney. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 44 (Winter 1986): 40.

Long, Elizabeth. The American Dream and the Popular Novel. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985. 55-57.

McGlynn, Paul D. “The Chronology of ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Inge, William Faukner: “A Rose for Emily” (1970): 90-92.

Mellard, James M. “Faulkner’s Miss Emily and Blake’s ‘Sick Rose’: ‘Invisible Worm,’ Nachträglichkeit, and Retrospective Gothic.” Faulkner Journal 2.1 (Fall 1986): 37-45.

Montenyohl, Eric L. “Folklore and Faulkner: Toward an Expansion of the Relations of Folklore and Literature.” Motif 7 (February 1989): 1, 4, 6.

Moore, Gene M. “Of Time and Its Mathematical Progression: Problems of Chronology in Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Studies in Short Fiction 29. 2 (Spring 1992): 195-204.

Muller, Gil. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 33 (1975): 79.

Nagahata, Akitoshi. “Emily and Noriko: Two Cases of Representation of Historical Change.” Chubu American Literature 1 (1998): 27-40.

O’Bryan-Knight, Jean. “From Spinster to Eunuch: William Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily’ and Mario Vargas Llosa’s Los cachorros.” Comparative Literature Studies 34.4 (1997): 328-47.

Ono, Kiyoyuki. “‘The Good Splendid Things Which Change Must Destroy’: An Interpretation of ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Chiba Review 17 (1995): 11-26.

Petry, Alice Hall. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Explicator 44 (Spring 1986): 52-54.

Rodgers, Lawrence R. “‘We All Said, “She Will Kill Herself”’: The Narrator/Detective in William Faulkner’s ‘A Rose For Emily.’” Clues: A Journal of Detection 16.1 (Spring-Summer 1995): 117-29.

Schwab, Milinda. “A Watch for Emily.” Studies in Short Fiction 28.2 (Spring 1991): 215-17.

Skinner, John L. “‘A Rose for Emily’: Against Interpretation.” Journal of Narrative Technique 15 (Winter 1985): 42-51.

Stafford, T. J. “Tobe’s Significance in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Inge, William Faulkner: “A Rose for Emily” (1970): 87-89. Rpt. in Readings on William Faulkner. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998. 74-77.

Stronks, James. “A Poe Source for Faulkner? ‘To Helen’ and ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Poe Newsletter 1 (1968): 11.

Sullivan, Ruth. “The Narrator in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Journal of Narrative Technique 1 (1971): 159-78.

Tefs, Wayne A. “Norman N. Holland and ‘A Rose for Emily’—Some Questions Concerning Psychoanalytic Criticism.” Sphinx 1.2 (1974): 50-57.

Wallace, James M. “Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily.’” The Explicator 50 (Winter 1992): 105-07.

Watkins, Floyd C. “The Structure of ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Inge, William Faulkner: “A Rose for Emily” (1970): 46-47.

Weaks, Mary Louise. “The Meaning of Miss Emily’s Rose.” Notes of Contemporary Literature 11.5 (1981): 11-12.

West, Ray B., Jr. “Atmosphere and Theme in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Readings on William Faulkner. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1998. 65-73.

Winchell, Mark Royden. “For All the Heart’s Endeavor: Romantic Pathology in Browning and Faulkner.” Notes on Mississippi Writers 15.2 (1983). 57-63.

Yagcioglu, Semiramis. “Language, Subjectivity and Ideology in ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 2 (1995): 49-59.

See also the bibliography of General Works on Faulkner’s Short Stories

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