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The following books listed in this bibliography are available for purchase online, or you may use the ISBN to order it from your local bookstore:

Brooks, Cleanth

William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country

ISBN: 0807116017

Kartiganer and Abadie

Faulkner and the Natural World


ISBN: 1578061210


ISBN: 1578061202

Urgo, Joseph

Faulkner’s Apocrypha: A Fable, Snopes, and the Spirit of Human Rebellion

ISBN: 0878054049

Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost, JSTOR, Literature Online, Project MUSE, and netLibrary, to name just a few. Check with your local library for availability. Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Bassett, John E. “Yoknapatawpha Revised: Demystifying Snopes.” College Literature 15.2 (Spring 1988): 136-52.

Beck, Warren. Man in Motion: Faulkner’s Trilogy. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961.

Brooks, Cleanth. “Faulkner’s Revenger’s Tragedy (The Mansion).” William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country (1963): 219-43.

Burelbach, Frederick M. “The Name of the Snake: A Family of Snopes.” Literary Onomastics Studies 8 (1981): 125-46.

Dale, Corinne. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Snopes Trilogy: Southern Patriarchy in Revision.” Mississippi Quarterly 45.3 (Summer 1992): 321-37.

Fulton, Keith Louise. “Linda Snopes Kohl: Faulkner’s Radical Woman.” MFS 34.3 (Autumn 1988): 425-36.

Hauser, Byron Carl. “Pierre Macherey’s Theory of Literary Production Applied to William Faulkner’s Three Snopes Novels: The Hamlet, The Town, and The Mansion.DAI 52.7 (January 1992): 2552A.

Levitsky, Holli Gwen. “Carnival, Gender, and Cultural Ambivalence in William Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.DAI 52.12 (June 1992): 4330A.

May, Rachel. “Sensible Elocution: How Translation Works in & upon Punctuation.” The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 3.1 (1997): 1-20.

Nichol, Frances Louisa. “Flem Snopes’s Knack for Verisimilitude in Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.” Mississippi Quarterly 50.3 (Summer 1997): 493-505.

Ownby, Ted. “The Snopes Trilogy and the Emergence of Consumer Culture.” Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 95-128.

Pothier, Jacques. “La Matiere des Snopes.” Europe: Revue Littéraire Mensuelle 70. 753-754 (January-February 1992): 25-33. In French.

Prampolini, Gaetano. “Le traduzioni di The Mansion e A Fable.” Le traduzioni italiane di William Faulkner. Ed. Sergio  Perosa. Venice, Italy: Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1998. 141-55.

Renner, Charlotte. “Talking and Writing in Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.” Southern Literary Journal 15.1 (Fall 1982): 61-73.

Roberts, Diane. “Eula, Linda, and the Death of Nature.” Faulkner and the Natural World: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1996. Eds. Donald Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1999. 159-78.

Schreiber, Evelyn Jaffe. “What’s Love Got to Do with It? Desire and Subjectivity in Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.” Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 83-98.

Smith, Jon. “Faulkner, Galsworthy, and the Bourgeois Apocalypse.” Faulkner Journal 13.1-2 (Fall 1997-Spring 1998): 133-47.

Trouard, Dawn. “Eula’s Plot: An Irigararian Reading of Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.” Mississippi Quarterly 42.3 (Summer 1989): 281-97.

Urgo, Joseph R. Faulkner’s Apocrypha: A Fable, Snopes, and the Spirit of Human Rebellion. Jackson: UP Mississippi, 1989.

Wade, Clyde. “The Irving Influence in the Snopes Trilogy.” University of Mississippi Studies in English 9 (1991): 63-76.

Werlock, Abby H. P. “Poor Whites: Joads and Snopeses.” San Jose Studies 18.1 (Winter 1992): 61-71.

Wilmeth, Thomas. “You Hope to Learn: Flem’s Self-Empowerment through Silence in Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy.” The SECOL Review: Southeastern Conference on Linguistics 16.2 (Fall 1992): 165-78.

Wittenberg, Judith Bryant. “William Faulkner, T. S. Stribling, Trilogistic Intertextuality and the Politics of the Canon.” Faulkner Journal 13.1-2 (Fall 1997-Spring 1998): 149-62.

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The Mansion: Bibliography.” William Faulkner on the Web.

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