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Books for sale at

The following editions of Sanctuary are available for purchase online:


Sanctuary (Vintage Paperback Edition)Sanctuary: The Corrected Text

Vintage International


ISBN: 0679748148

Published 1993

Novels, 1930-1935 Novels, 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, Pylon

Library of America


ISBN: 0940450267

Published 1985

Sanctuary Cassettes (Unabridged)

Read by Dick Hill

Brilliance Corp.

Audio Cassettes

ISBN: 1561006319

Published 1995


Published February 9, 1931, by Jonathan Cape and Harrison Smith.

Sanctuary is Faulkner’s most sensational novel, and because of its lurid subject matter also his most notorious, particularly to his fellow Oxford residents, many of whom felt Faulkner was painting a distorted picture of their fair city. It tells the story of Temple Drake, an Alabama debutante who takes a wrong turn and winds up in the grip of a sinister bootlegger named Popeye at the Old Frenchman’s Place.

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Padgett, John B. “Sanctuary: Commentary.” William Faulkner on the Web.

This page was last modified on Thursday, June 26, 2008, at 05:18 AM CDT.
Copyright © 1995 – 2008 by John B. Padgett.

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