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Faulkner Criticism in the 1990s:


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Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost.  Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Abel, Marco. "One Goal Is Still Lacking: The Influence of Friedrich Nietzsche's Philosophy on William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." South Atlantic Review 60.4 (November 1995): 35-52.

Aboul-Ela, Hosam Mohamed. "Post-Colonial Faulkner." DAI 56.2 (August 1995): 540A.

Abrams, Cheryl Rene. "Mammy or Ideal: The Black Surrogate Mother in William Faulkner’s Novels." DAI 56.2 (August 1995): 547A.

Adamowski, T. H.. "Faulkner’s Popeye: The 'Other' as Self." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 51-66.

Andrews, Karen Marie. "Crossing the Color Line: Race, Gender, and Miscegenation in Faulkner." DAI 55.12 (1995): 3841A-42A. Claremont Graduate School.

Arend, Mary Kate. "Perhaps the Narrator Protests Too Much: Conditional Narration in Light in August." Journal of Narrative Technique 25.3 (Fall 1995): 285-300.

Arnold, David Lawrence. "The Elegiac Moment in Faulkner’s Fiction." DAI 56.3 (September 1995): 927A.

Bach, Peggy. "A Serious Danb: William Faulkner and Evelyn Scott." Southern Literary Journal 28.1 (Fall 1995): 128-43.

Banta, Martha. "The Razor, the Pistol, and the Ideology of Race Etiquette." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 172-216.

Basic, Sonja. "History as Vampire: James Joyce, William Faulkner, and Miroslav Krleza." Transatlantic Encounters: Studies in European-American Relations. Eds. Udo J. Hebel and Karl Ortseifen. Trier, Germany:  Wissenschaftlicher, 1995. 245-56.

Batty, Nancy Ellen. "Economies of Desire: Reading Between Toni Morrison and William Faulkner." DAI 55.9 (1995): 2826A. U of Western Ontario.

Bauer, Margaret D. "Failed Quests for Ideal Love: Jude the Obscure as a Paradigm for The Wild Palms." University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1993-1995): 282-93.

Betz, B. G. Till. "Absalom, Absalom! and The Sound and the Fury: Quentin's Failure to Create a Mythic Reconstruction." University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1993-1995): 438-54.

Bleikasten, André. "Faulkner and the New Ideologues." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 3-21.

---. "Faulkner from a European Perspective." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 75-95.

---. "La Rehabilitation de Temple Drake: Sanctuary et la critique feministe." Etudes Anglaises 48.4 (October-December 1995): 442-52.

---, and Nicole Moulinoux, eds. Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995.

Bockting, Ineke. Character and Personality in the Novels of William Faulkner: A Study in Psychostylistics. Lanham, Md.: UP of America, 1995.

---. "'Dont Think I'm Afraid to Tell': Talking and Taboo in William Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 5 (1995): 267-75.

Brinkmeyer, Robert H., Jr. "Faulkner and the Democratic Crisis." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 70-94.

Brown, Arthur A. "Benjy, the Reader and Death: At the Fence in The Sound and the Fury." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 (Summer 1995): 407-20.

---. "'A Man Who Dies . . .': Poe, James, Faulkner and the Narrative Function of Death." DAI 55.11 (1995): 3509A. U of California, Davis.

Bunnell, Phyllis Ann. "The Elusive Mother in William Faulkner’s Major Yoknapatawpha Families." DAI International.56.5 (November 1995): 1774A.

Burton, Stacy. "Benjy, Narrativity, and the Coherence of Compson History." Cardozo Studies in Law & Literature 7.2 (Fall-Winter 1995): 207-28.

Carpenter, Lucas. "Floyd Collins and the Sand Cave Tragedy: A Possible Source for Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Kentucky Review 12.3 (Spring 1995): 3-18.

Cesari-Stricker, Florence. "La Mecanique des chocs et la physique des flux dans Sanctuary." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 5 (1995): 277-82.

Chappell, Charles. "Quentin Compson's Scouting Expedition on June 2, 1910." Essays in Literature 22.1 (Spring 1995): 113-22.

Close, Steven M. "Approaching a Stylistics of Modernism: History as Haunting in the Novels of Woolf, Faulkner and Morrison." DAI 56.5 (November 1995): 1769A.

Cohen, Philip. "Faulkner." American Literary Scholarship: an Annual (1995).

Connors, Thomas. "Addie's Last Tape." American Theatre 12.8 (October 1995): 23.

Cooley, John. "Faulkner, Race, Fidelity." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 4.3 (1994-1995): 300-12. Online at <>

Cox, John D. "The Rhythms of the Saints and Flags in the Dust." Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association (1995): n.p.

Darab, Diana. "The Rhetoric of Intertextuality and Doubtful Authority: A Comparative Study of William Faulkner, Houshang Golshiri, and Alain Robbe-Grillet." DAI 55.8 (1995): 2378A. U of California, Riverside.

Davis, Sara, and Els Andringa. "Narrative Structure and Emotional Response." Empirical Approaches to Literature. Ed. Gebhard Rusch. Siegen: Inst. for Empirical Lit. & Media Research, Siegen Univ, 1995. 236-44.

Davis, Thadious M. "Reading Faulkner’s Compson Appendix: Writing History from the Margins." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 238-52.

DeShong, Scott. "Toward an Ethics of Reading Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Journal of Narrative Technique 25.3 (Fall 1995): 238-57.

Diaz Romero, Ana Monica, and Elvira Ines Colombres de Figueroa. "Claves miticas en 'Una rosa para Emilia' de William Faulkner." II Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Comparada: 'El cuento,' I-II. Ed. Martha Vanbiesem de Burbridge. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Fundacion Maria Teresa Maiorana, 1995. II: 111-14.

Dimino, Andrea. "From Goddess to 'Galmeat': Narrative Politics and Narrative Desire in Faulkner’s Novels." Faulkner Journal 10.2 (Spring 1995): 65-80.

Donaldson, Susan V. "Keeping Quentin Compson Alive: The Last Gentleman, The Second Coming, and the Problem of Masculinity." Walker Percy's Feminine Characters. Eds. Lewis A. Lawson. and Elzbieta H. Oleksy. Troy, NY: Whitston, 1995. 62-77.

Fayen, Tanya T. In Search of the Latin American Faulkner. Lanham, Md.: UP of America, 1995.

Fowler, Doreen. "'You Cant Beat a Woman': Preoedipal Mother in Light in August." Faulkner Journal 10.2 (Spring 1995): 55-64.

Frazier, David L. "Gothicism in Sanctuary: The Black Pall and the Crap Table." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 13-22.

Gardner, Carolyn Patricia. "Comedy of Redemption in Three Southern Writers." DAI 55.11 (1995): 3511A. Louisiana State U.

Gillespie, Michael Patrick. "Baroque Catholicism in Southern Fiction: Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy, and John Kennedy Toole." Traditions, Voices, and Dreams: The American Novel since the 1960s. Eds. Melvin J. Friedman and Ben Siegel. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1995. 25-47.

Gines, Montserrat. "Don Quixote in Yoknapatawpha: Faulkner’s Champions of Dreams." Southern Literary Journal 27.2 (Spring 1995): 23-42.

Gray, Richard. "On Privacy: William Faulkner and the Human Subject." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 45-69.

Gresset, Michael. "Fascination." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 205-13.

Gwin, Minrose C., ed. "William Faulkner." Special issue. Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 (1995): 407-563.

Gwynn, Frederick L., Joseph L. Blotner, eds. Introd. Douglas Day. Faulkner in the University. 1959. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1995.

Hanson, Philip James. "Against Capitalism: A Political Economy of Yoknapatawpha County." DAI 55.7 (1995): 1954A. U of California, Berkeley. 

Hays, Peter L. "Racial Predestination: The Elect and the Damned in Light in August." English Language Notes 33.2 (December 1995): 62-69.

Hinkle, James C., and Robert McCoy. Reading Faulkner: The Unvanquished. Reading Faulkner Series. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995.

Ho, Wen-ching. "The Caste Taboo in William Faulkner’s 'Elly' and 'Mountain Victory.'" Euramerica: a Journal of European & American Studies 25.3 (September 1995): 1-24.

Holmes, Catherine Denham. "Annotations to William Faulkner’s The Hamlet." DAI 55.11 (1995): 3512A. U of South Carolina.

Inge, M. Thomas. William Faulkner: The Contemporary Reviews. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Ittani, Suad Mutasim. "Faulkner’s Polyphonic Novel: A Study of Four Novels by William Faulkner in Light of Bakhtin's and Todorov's Theories of the Novel." DAI 55.10 (1995): 3189A. U of Maryland, College Park.

Jones, Anne Goodwyn. "Desire and Dismemberment: Faulkner and the Ideology of Penetration." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 129-71.

Kartiganer, Donald M., and Ann J. Abadie. Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995.

King, Richard H. "Faulkner, Ideology, and Narrative." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 22-44.

Kinney, Arthur F. "Faulkner’s Families: A Review Essay." Southern Quarterly 33.2-3 (Winter-Spring 1995): 227-30.

Knights, Pamela. "Faulkner’s Racism: A Response to Arthur F. Kinney." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 4.3 (1994-1995): 283-99. Online at <>

Ladd, Barbara. "'Too Positive a Shape Not to Be Hurt': Go Down, Moses, History and the Woman Artist in Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples." Bucknell Review: a Scholarly Journal of Letters, Arts & Sciences 39.1 (1995): 79-103.

Lane-Mercier, Gillian. "Towards a Rhetorical Practice of Mimesis: Writing/Reading/(Re)Translating Fictional Sociolects." Recherches Semiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 15.3 (1995): 105-28.

Lester, Cheryl. "Racial Awareness and Arrested Development: The Sound and the Fury and the Great Migration (1915-1928)." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 123-45.

Li, Weiping. "The Rhetorical Forms in Stream-of-Consciousness Style." Waiguoyu 3.97 ( May1995): 49-54, 80.

Love, Tamsen Douglas. "Defining Postmodernism: Styron's 'Complicitous Critique' of Faulkner." Southern Literary Journal 28.1 (Fall 1995): 19-34.

Matthews, John T. "The Elliptical Nature of Sanctuary." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 103-23.

---. "Faulkner and the Culture Industry." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 51-74.

McCann, Barry R. "Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying: The Coffin Pictogram and the Function of Form." University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1993-1995): 272-81.

McHaney, Thomas L. "Sanctuary and Frazer's Slain Kings." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 35-50.

Meeter, Glenn. "Molly's Vision: Lost Cause Ideology and Genesis in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 277-96.

Mellard, James M. "Realism, Naturalism, Modernism: Residual, Dominant, and Emergent Ideologies in As I Lay Dying." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 217-37.

---. "Something New and Hard and Bright: Faulkner, Ideology, and the Construction of Modernism." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 ( 1995): 459-79.

Metress, Christopher. "'A New Father, a New Home': Styron, Faulkner, and Southern Revisionism." The Critical Response to William Styron. Ed. Daniel W. Ross. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995. 45-60.

Meyer, William E. H., Jr. "Culture-Wars/Gender-Scars: Faulkner’s South vs. America." Cross Roads: a Journal of Southern Culture 3.1 (Fall 1994-Winter 1995): 112-26.

---. "Faulkner’s Aural Evangelism: An Essay in Religious Aestheticism." College Language Association Journal 39.1 (September 1995): 114-15.

Miller, J. Hillis. "Ideology and Topography in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 253-77.

Minnick, Cheryl. "Faulkner and Gender: An Annotated Select Bibliography (1982-1994)." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 ( 1995): 523-53.

Moreland, Richard C. "Faulkner and Modernism." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 17-30.

Morimoto, Shin'ichi. "Aspects of Japanese Christian Literature." ICLA '91 Tokyo: The Force of Vision, I: Dramas of Desire; Visions of Beauty. Eds. Earl Miner et al. Tokyo: Internat. Compar. Lit. Assn, 1995. 231-36.

Mortimer, Gail L. "Reflections of Evil in Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 5 (1995): 283-89.

Muhlenfeld, Elisabeth. "Bewildered Witness: Temple Drake in Sanctuary." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 149-63.

Newman, David. "'The Vehicle Itself Is Unaware': New Criticism the Limits of Reading Faulkner." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 ( 1995): 481-99.

Nicolaisen, Peter. "'Because We Were Forever Free': Slavery and Emancipation in The Unvanquished." Faulkner Journal 10.2 ( 1995): 81-91.

O'Donnell, Patrick. "Faulkner and Postmodernism." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 31-50.

Ono, Kiyoyuki. "'The Good Splendid Things Which Change Must Destroy': An Interpretation of 'A Rose for Emily.'" Chiba Review 17 (1995): 11-26.

Ownby, Ted. "The Snopes Trilogy and the Emergence of Consumer Culture." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 95-128.

Parker, Robert Dale. "Watching Something Happening Told: Sanctuary." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 125-47.

Pellon, Gustavo. "Ideology and Structure in Giardinelli's Santo Oficio de la memoria." Studies in Twentieth Century Literature 19.1 (Winter 1995): 81-99.

Polk, Noel. "'The Dungeon Was Mother Herself': William Faulkner: 1927-1931." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 165-86.

---. "'Polysyllabic and Verbless Patriotic Nonsense': Faulkner at Midcentury - His and Ours." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 297-328.

Porter, Carolyn. "Absalom, Absalom!: (Un)Making the Father." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 168-96.

Porter, Kevin J. "Stylistic Considerations for There Is and It Is." Secol Review: Southeastern Conference on Linguistics 19.2 (Fall 1995): 171-83.

Rodgers, Lawrence R. "'We All Said, "She Will Kill Herself"': The Narrator/Detective in William Faulkner’s 'A Rose For Emily.'" Clues: A Journal of Detection 16.1 (Spring-Summer 1995): 117-29.

Rossky, William. "The Pattern of Nightmare in Sanctuary: Or, Miss Reba's Dogs." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 23-34.

Rowe, John Carlos. "The African-American Voice in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses." Modern American Short Story Sequences: Composite Fictions and Fictive Communities. Ed. J. Gerald Kennedy. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1995. 76-97.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr. "William Faulkner: Why, the Very Idea." Faulkner and Ideology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1992. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1995. 329-52.

Saldivar, Ramon. "Looking for a Master Plan: Faulkner, Paredes, and the Colonial and Postcolonial Subject." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 96-120.

Saunders, Rebecca Ann. "Poetics of Loss: The Modern and Its Lamentations." DAI 56.1 (1995): 185A-86A. U of Wisconsin, Madison.

Savinel, Christine. "L'Informe dans Sanctuaire." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 5 (1995): 291-302.

Shiffman, Smadar. "Romantic, Radical, and Ridiculous: Faulkner’s Hero as Oxymoron." Style 29.1 (Spring 1995): 18-35.

Smith, Beverly. "A Note on Shreve Mackenzie." University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1995): :465.

Sundquist, Eric J. "Sanctuary: An American Gothic." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 83-101.

Tanner, Laura E. "Reading Rape: Sanctuary and The Women of Brewster Place." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 187-204.

Tebbetts, Terrell L. "Dilsey and the Compsons: A Jungian Reading of Faith and Fragmentation." Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 21.1 (Spring 1995): 78-98.

Thomas, Dora Jennifer. "A Commonwealth of Stories: The Southern Voices of Eudora Welty and William Faulkner." DAI International. 56.6 (December 1995): 2242A.

Toombs, Veronica M. "Deconstructing Violence against Women: William Faulkner’s Sanctuary and Alice Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy." The Image of Violence in Literature, the Media, and Society. Eds. Will Wright and Steven Kaplan.  Pueblo, CO: Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, University of Southern Colorado, 1995. 212-17.

Towner, Theresa M. "'How Can a Black Man Ask?': Race and Self-Representation in Faulkner’s Later Fiction." Faulkner Journal 10.2 ( 1995): 3-21.

Urgo, Joseph. "Faulkner’s Real Estate: Land and Literary Speculation in The Hamlet." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 (Summer 1995): 443-57.

Weinstein, Philip M. The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

---. "Diving into the Wreck: Faulknerian Practice and the Imagination of Slavery." Faulkner Journal 10.2 (Spring 1995): 23-53.

---. "Precarious Sanctuaries: Protection and Exposure in Faulkner’s Fiction." Douze lectures de Sanctuaire. Eds. André Bleikasten and Nicole Moulinoux. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes/Fondation William Faulkner, 1995. 67-82.

Westling, Louise. "Women, Landscape, and the Legacy of Gilgamesh in Absalom, Absalom! and Go Down, Moses." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 (Summer 1995): 501-21.

Wilcots, Barbara J. "Rescuing History: Faulkner, Garcia Marquez, and Morrison as Post-Colonial Writers of the Americas." DAI 56.4 (1995): 1361A. U of Denver.

Wittenberg, Judith Bryant. "Race in Light in August: Wordsymbolism and Obverse Reflections." The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner. Ed. Philip Weinstein. New York: Cambridge UP, 1995. 146-67.

---. "Temple Drake and La Parole pleine." Mississippi Quarterly 48.3 (Summer 1995): 421-41.

Yagcioglu, Semiramis. "Language, Subjectivity and Ideology in 'A Rose for Emily.'" Journal of American Studies of Turkey 2 (1995): 49-59.

Yousef, Tawfiq. "The Reception of William Faulkner in the Arab World." American Studies International 33.2 (October 1995): 41-48.

Zimmermann, David Howard. "Myths, Hierophanies, and Sacraments in William Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha Fiction." DAI 56.5 (November 1995): 1784A.

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