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Faulkner Criticism in the 1990s:


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Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost.  Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Andrews, Carol M. "Cleanth Brooks on Faulkner: Yoknapatawpha and the Vanderbilt Tradition." The Vanderbilt Tradition: Essays in Honor of Thomas Daniel Young. Ed. Mark Royden Winchell. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1991. 89-96.

Andrews, Karen M. "Toward a 'Culturalist' Approach to Faulkner Studies: Making Connections in Flags in Dust." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 13-26.

Arnold, Edwin T. "The Last of the Shropshire Lad: David West, Faulkner, and Mosquitoes." Faulkner Studies 1.1 (1991): 21-41.

Aschkenasy, Nehama. "Yehoshua's 'Sound and Fury': A Late Divorce and Its Faulknerian Model." Modern Language Studies 21.2 (Spring 1991): 92-104.

Baldwin, Marc D. "Faulkner’s Cartographic Method: Producing the Land through Cognitive Mapping." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 193-214.

Barickman, Paul Hamilton. "Privacy and the Body in Faulkner’s Novels." DAI 51.8 (February 1991): 2741A-42A.

Baum, Rosalie Murphy. "'Family Dramas': Spouse and Child Abuse in Faulkner’s Fiction." The Aching Hearth: Family Violence in Life and Literature. Eds. Sara Manson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. New York: Plenum, 1991. 221-40.

Baum, Rosalie Murphy. "'Family Dramas': Spouse and Child Abuse in Faulkner’s Fiction." The Aching Heart: Family Violence in Life and Literature. Eds. Sara Manson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. New York: Plenum, 1991. 221-40.

Bauman, Marcy Lassota. "The Bottle in the Sideboard: Alcoholism as a Defining Force in 'The Sound and the Fury.’" DAI 52.5 (November 1991): 1746A.

Bevilacqua, Winifred Farrant. "History into Narrative: William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!" The Artists and His Masks: William Faulkner’s Metafiction. Ed. Agostino Lombardo. Rome: Bulzoni, 1991. 255-78.

Billinglea, Oliver. "Fathers and Sons: The Spiritual Quest in Faulkner’s 'Barn Burning.’" Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 287-308.

Birk, John F. "Tryst beyond Time: Faulkner’s 'Emily' and Keats." Studies in Short Fiction 28.2 (Spring 1991): 203-13.

Boker, Pamela A. "'How Can He Be So Nothungry?': Fetishism, Anorexia, and the Disavowal of the Cultural 'I' in Light in August." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 175-91.

Boon, Kevin A. "Temple Defiled: The Brainwashing of Temple Drake in Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 33-50.

Brodsky, Louis Daniel, and Robert W. Hamblin, eds. Faulkner: A Comprehensive Guide to the Brodsky Collection: Volume IV: Battle Cry: A Screenplay by William Faulkner. Jackson: U of Mississippi P, 1991.

Burgess, M. J. "Watching (Jefferson) Watching: Light in August and the Aestheticization of Gender." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 95-114.

Burns, Margie. "A Good Rose Is Hard to Find: Southern Gothic as Signs of Social Dislocation in Faulkner and O'Connor." Image and Ideology in Modern/Postmodern Discourse. Eds. David B. Downing and Susan Bazargan. Albany: State U of New York P, 1991. 105-23.

Cawelti, John G. "Faulkner and the Detective Story's Double Plot." Clues: A Journal of Detection 12.2 (Fall-Winter 1991): 1-15.

Chapdelaine, Annick. "Faulkner in French: Humor Obliterated." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 43-60.

Chappel, Deborah K. "Pa Says: The Rhetoric of Faulkner’s Anse Bundren." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 273-85.

Clarke, Deborah. "Faulkner and His Critics: Moving into the 90s." Arizona Quarterly 47.1 (Spring 1991): 117-135.

Cook, Eleanor. "Reading Typologically, for Example, Faulkner." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 63.4 (December 1991): 693-711.

Cox, James M. "Beneath My Father's Name." Home Ground: Southern Autobiography. Ed. J. Bill Berry. Columbia: U of Missouri P, 1991. 13-30.

Crews, Frederick. "The Strange Fate of William Faulkner." The New York Review of Books 38.5 (7 March 1991): 47-52.

Desmond, John F. "Language, Suicide, and the Writer: Walker Percy's Advancement of William Faulkner." Walker Percy: Novelist and Philosopher. Eds. Jan Nordby Gretlund and Karl-Heinz Westarp. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 131-40.

Desotelle, Joanne Ruth Gowey. "The Conjunctive Novel: Form and Function." DAI 52.4 (October 1991): 1327A-28A.

Donaldson, Susan V. "Reading Faulkner Reading Cowley Reading Faulkner: Authority and Gender in the Compson Appendix." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 27-41.

Donnelly, Colleen E. "Compelled to Believe: Historiography and Truth in Absalom, Absalom!" Style 25.1 (Spring 1991): 104-22.

Donnelly, Colleen. "The Syntax of Perception in As I Lay Dying." CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 53.2 (Winter 1991): 54-68.

Doyle, Don H. "The Mississippi Frontier in Faulkner’s Fiction and in Fact." Southern Quarterly

29.4 (Summer 1991): 145-60.

Duvall, John N. "Doe Hunting and Masculinity: Song of Solomon and Go Down, Moses." Arizona Quarterly 47.1 (Spring 1991): 95-115.

Dwyer, June. "Feminization, Masculinization, and the Role of the Woman Patriot in The Unvanquished." Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 55-64.

Elmore, A. E. "Faulkner on the Agrarian South: Waste Land or Promised Land?" The Vanderbilt Tradition: Essays in Honor of Thomas Daniel Young. Ed. Mark Royden Winchell. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1991. 175-88.

Eyster, Kevin I. "Literary Folkloristics and Faulkner’s Fiction." DAI 52.5 (November 1991): 1746A-47A.

Ferguson, James. Faulkner’s Short Fiction. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1991.

Fessenden, William E. "Temporal Structure and Meaning: The Defamiliarization of the Reader in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses." DAI 51.11 (May 1991): 3743A.

Flannery, M. C., and John G. Cawelti. "Gavin Stevens: Faulkner’s Favorite." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 4.1 (January 1991): 21-24.

Fowler, Doreen. "The Ravished Daughter: Eleusinian Mysteries in The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 140-56.

Freitas, Vamberto. "Alguns Aspectos Faulknerianos na Obra de Joao de Melo." Letras & Letras 4.39 (16 January 1991): 9. In Portuguese.

Geoffroy, Alain. "Le Pouvoir à la lettre dans Absalom, Absalom! de William Faulkner." Alines: Revue Angliciste de la Reunion 2-3 (1991-1992): 47-56. In French.

Gunn, Giles. "Faulkner’s Heterodoxy: Faith and Family in The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 44-64.

Hannon, Charles. "Signification, Simulation, and Containment in If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 133-50.

Hargrove, Nancy D. "Faulkner’s The Wishing Tree as Children's Literature." The Image of the Child. Proc. of the 1991 Internat. Conf. of Children's Lit. Assn., Univ. of Southern Mississippi, 1991." Ed.Sylvia Patterson Islander. Battle Creek, MI: Children's Lit. Assn., 1991. 132-40.

Harrington, Evans. "'A Passion Week of the Heart': Religion and Faulkner’s Art." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 157-76.

Harris, Paul Andre. "Time Spaced Out in Words: From Physics to Faulkner." DAI 51.11 (May 1991): 3743A-44A.

Hlavsa, Virginia V. "The Crucifixion in Light in August: Suspending the Rules at the Post." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 127-39.

Hlavsa, Virginia V. James. Faulkner and the Thoroughly Modern Novel. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P, 1991.

Honnighausen, Lothar. "On the Uses of the Term 'Regionalism' for the Study of Faulkner." The United States South: Regionalism and Identity. Eds. Valeria Lerda and Tjebbe Westendorp. Rome: Bulzoni, 1991. 41-54.

Jebb, John Francis. "The Law, Justice, and Faulkner’s Gavin Stevens (Volumes I & II)." DAI 51.11 (May 1991): 3744A.

Jovanovic, Mladen. "Deviation and Translation." TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction: Etudes Sur le Texte et Ses Transformations 4.1 (1991): 83-98.

Kazin, Alfred. "William Faulkner and Religion: Determinism, Compassion, and the God of Defeat." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 3-20.

Kidd, Millie M. "The Dialogic Perspective in William Faulkner’s The Hamlet." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 309-20.

King, Richard H. "World-Rejection in Faulkner’s Fiction." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 65-84.

Kinney, Arthur F. "About Phil Stone." Rev. of Phil Stone of Oxford: A Vicarious Life, by Susan Snell. Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 347-53.

Kirchdorfer, Ulf. "Sanctuary: Temple as a Parrot." Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 51-53.

Koyama, Toshio. "Satyricon in Starlight: Faulkner’s Self-Parody." Kwansei Gakuin University Annual Studies 40 (1991): 27-33.

Labriolle, Jacqueline de. "De Faulkner à Jean-Pierre Millecam." Révue de Littérature Comparée 65.1 [257] (January-March 1991): 61-79. In French.

Leach, Elsie. "Building One's Own House: Walden and Absalom, Absalom." San Jose Studies 17.2 (Spring 1991): 62-83.

Lidsey, William D. "Disorder as Order: Absalom, Absalom!'s Inversion of the Judeo-Christian Creation Myth." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 85-102.

Lippman, Carlee. "William Faulkner and Patrick Suskind: Speaking the Unspeakable." Literary Half-Yearly 32.2 (July 1991): 73-85.

Lockyer, Judith. "Ordered by Words: Language and Narration in the Novels of William Faulkner." Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991.

Marshall, Alexander J., III. "Faulkner." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1991): 135-48.

Marshall, Alexander J., III. "The Dream Deferred: William Faulkner’s Metaphysics of Absence." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 177-92.

McHaney, Thomas L., ed.). "William Faulkner." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991).

McKee, Patricia. "As I Lay Dying: Experience in Passing." South Atlantic Quarterly 90.3 (Summer 1991): 579-632.

Meeter, Glen. "Quentin as Redactor: Biblical Analogies in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!" Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 103-26.

Millgate, Michael. "Undue Process: William Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Rough Justice: Essays on Crime in Literature. Ed. M. L. Friedland. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1991. 157-69.

Moore, Gene M. "Ethnicity and the Faulkner Canon." Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters 21 (1991): 4-19.

Myungja, Kim. "'Outside the Circle.'" The Journal of English Language and Literature 37.3 (Autumn 1991): 689-707. In Korean with English summary.

O'Donnell, Patrick. "Between the Family and the State: Nomadism and Authority in As I Lay Dying." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 83-94.

Ohmine, Haruko. "The Umbilical Cord of Narrative in Absalom, Absalom!" Faulkner Studies 1.1 (1991): 43-59.

Peake, C. H. "The Irreconcilable Dimensions of Faulkner’s 'As I Lay Dying.’" Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 18 (1991): 98-110.

Poland, Tim. "Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Explicator 49.2 (Winter 1991): 118-20.

Polk, Noel. "Where the Comma Goes: Editing William Faulkner." Representing Modernist Texts: Editing as Interpretation. Ed. George Bernstein. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1991. 241-58.

Polloczek, Dieter. "Gedachtnissimulationen in Faulkners Absalom, Absalom!" Gedachtniskunst: Raum - Bild - Schrift. Studien zur Mnemotechnik. Eds. Anselm Haverkamp and Renate Lachmann. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1991. 409-43. In German.

Ragan, David Paul. Absalom, Absalom! Garland Faulkner Annotated Series No. 6. New York: Garland, 1991.

Railey, Kevin. "Paternalism and Liberalism: Contending Ideologies in Absalom, Absalom!" Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 115-32.

Reesman, Jeanne Campbell. American Designs: The Late Novels of James and Faulkner. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1991.

Reid, Gregory. "Wind in August: Les Fous de Bassan's Reply to Faulkner." Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en Littérature Canadienne16.2 (1991): 112-27.

Rhodes, Pamela Elizabeth. "Faulkner’s Lyric Plots: An Approach to Selected Writings, 1920-29." DAI 52.2 (August 1991): 541A.

Robinson, David W., and Caren J. Town. "'Who Dealt These Cards?': The Excluded Narrators of Go Down, Moses." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 37.2 (Summer 1991): 192-206.

Rogers, David Lawrence. "Articulating the Flesh: The Paradox of Form and Gender in the Novels of William Faulkner." DAI 52.3 (September 1991): 921A.

Samway, Patrick, S.J. "Intertextual Observations concerning Faulkner’s 'Mistral.’" Journal of the Short Story in English 16 (Spring 1991): 65-80.

Sass, Karen R. "At a Loss for Words: Addie and Language in As I Lay Dying." Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 9-21.

Schafer, William J. "Faulkner’s Sanctuary: The Blackness of Fairytale." Durham University Journal 52.2 (July 1991): 217-22.

Schwab, Milinda. "A Watch for Emily." Studies in Short Fiction 28.2 (Spring 1991): 215-17.

Simas, Rosa Maria. "'Ripples,' a 'Gyrating Wheel' and a 'Spiral on a Square': Circularity in Three Twentieth Century Novels of the Americas." DAI 51.8 (February 1991): 2737A-38A.

Simas, Rosa. "'Ripples,' 'Una rueda giratoria,' and 'A Espiral e o Quadrado': Circularity in Three Twentieth-Century Novels of the Americas." Translation Perspectives 6 (1991): 87-98.

Slaughter, Carolyn Norman. "Absalom, Absalom!: 'Fluid Cradle of Events (Time).’" Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 65-84.

Snell, Susan. Phil Stone of Oxford: A Vicarious Life. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1991.

Stonum, Gary Lee. "Modernism and Its Discontents: Faulkner Studies Enter the Nineties." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 355-64.

Suied, Alain. "Faulkner: Le Secret du nom: Sur 'Le Faune de marbre.’" Courrier du Centre International d'Etudes Poetiques 191 (July-September 1991): 5-29. In French.

Sutton, Brian. "Faulkner’s 'Dry September.’" Explicator 49.3 (Spring 1991): 175-77.

Taylor, Nancy Dew. "William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses: Sources, Background, Annotations." DAI 51.11 (May 1991): 3748A.

Thurman, Susan Elizabeth. "The Role of Women in William Faulkner’s Apprentice Work." DAI 51.9 (March 1991): 3076A.

Toomey, David. "The Human Heart in Conflict: Light in August's Schizophrenic Narrator." Studies in the Novel 23.4 (Winter 1991): 452-69.

Towner, Theresa M. "'It Aint Funny A-Tall': The Transfigured Tales of The Town." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 321-35.

Trouard, Dawn. "Resisting Revision: Faulkner and Compulsive Theories." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 365-69.

Urgo, Joseph R. Faulkner’s Apocrypha: A Fable, Snopes, and the Spirit of Human Rebellion. Jackson: U of Mississippi, 1991.

Urgo, Joseph R. Novel Frames: Literature as Guide to Race, Sex, and History in American Culture. Jackson: U of Mississippi, 1991.

Verich, Thomas M. "Go Down, Moses and Other Stories: A Preliminary Census of the Limited, Signed Edition of 100 Numbered Copies." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 337-45.

Vidal, Bernard. "Plurilinguisme et traduction: Le Vernaculaire noir americain: Enjeux, réalité, reception à propos de The Sound and the Fury." TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction: Etudes Sur le Texte et Ses Transformations 4.2 (1991): 151-88.

Volpe, Edmond L. "A Tale of Ambivalences: Faulkner’s 'Divorce in Naples.’" Studies in Short Fiction 28.1 (Winter 1991): 41-45.

Wade, Clyde. "The Irving Influence in the Snopes Trilogy." University of Mississippi Studies in English 9 (1991): 63-76.

Wagner-Martin, Linda. "Rosa Coldfield as Daughter: Another of Faulkner’s Lost Children." Studies in American Fiction 19.1 (Spring 1991): 1-13.

Waldrep, Christopher. "William Faulkner, Robert Penn Warren, and the Law." Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South 2.1 (Spring 1991): 39-50.

Wall, Carey. "Go Down, Moses: The Collective Action of Redress." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 151-74.

Watson, James G. "Carvel Collin's Faulkner: A Newly Opened Archive." Mississippi Quarterly 44.3 (Summer 1991): 257-72.

Wilson, Charles Reagan. "William Faulkner and the Southern Religious Culture." Faulkner and Religion. Eds. Doreen Fowler and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1991. 21-43.

Wilson, Deborah. "'A Shape to Fill a Lack': Absalom, Absalom! and the Pattern of History." Faulkner Journal 7.1-2 (Fall 1991-Spring 1992): 61-81.

Wittenberg, Judith Bryant. "Configurations of the Female and Textual Politic in Mosquitoes." Faulkner Studies 1.1 (1991): 1-19.

Wolfe, Gary K. "The Bear and the Aleph: Gregory Benford's Against Infinity." New York Review of Science Fiction 30 (February 1991): 1, 8-11.

Xiao, Minghan. "The Fundamental Unfinalizability of Absalom, Absalom!" New Orleans Review 18.3 (Fall 1991): 34-47.

Yerkes, David. "The Reporter's Name in Pylon and Why That's Important." Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 3-8.

Yoshizaki, Yasuhiro. "Faulkner in Japan: A Bibliographical Study." DAI 52.2 (August 1991): 543A.

Yunis, Susan S. "The Narrator of Faulkner’s 'Barn Burning.’" Faulkner Journal 6.2 (Spring 1991): 23-31.

Zeitlin, Michael. "Faulkner’s Pylon: The City in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Americaines 22.2 (Fall 1991): 229-40.

Zender, Karl F. "Two Unpublished Letters from William Faulkner to Helen Baird." Includes letters. American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 63.3 (September 1991): 535-38.

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