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The following books are available for purchase online:

Books about
Light in August

Light in August: A Study in Black and White

By Alwyn Berland

Twayne's Masterwork Studies

Twayne Publishers


ISBN: 0805780505

Published 1992

The Ink of Melancholy: Faulkner’s Novels from The Sound and the Fury to Light in August

By André Bleikasten

Indiana University Press


ISBN: 0253312000

Published 1990

William Faulkner’s Light in August: Modern Critical Interpretations

By Harold Bloom (ed.)

Chelsea House

ISBN: 1555460402

Published 1987

Light in August: A Concordance to the Novel

By Jack L. Capps

University Microfilms

ISBN: 0835704297

Published 1979

New Essays on Light in August

By Michael Millgate (ed.)

American Novel series

Cambridge University Press


ISBN: 0521313325

Published 1987

Twentieth Century Interpretations of Light in August: A Collection of Critical Essays

By David L. Minter (ed.)


ISBN: 0135366070

Published 1969

William Faulkner’s Light in August: A Critical Casebook

By François L. Pitavy (ed.)


ISBN: 0824093852

Published 1982

Reading Faulkner: Light in August

By Hugh M. Ruppersburg

Reading Faulkner series

University Press of Mississippi


ISBN: 0878057315


ISBN: 0878057323

Published 1994

Annotations to Light in August

By Sue Hayes Tully


ISBN: 0824043936

Published 1991


Barron's Book Notes on Light in August

Barrons Educational Series


ISBN: 0812035216

Published 1985

Cliffs Notes on Faulkner’s Light in August

Cliffs Notes


ISBN: 0822007444

Published 1988

William Faulkner’s Light in August

Monarch Notes


ISBN: 0671006665

Published 1989


Character List

Character List

Names in bold face indicate major or significant characters.
  • Alice
  • Allen, Bobbie
  • Armstid
  • Armstid, Martha
  • Atkins, Miss
  • Beard, Mrs.
  • Bedenberry, Brother
  • Brown, Joe
  • Buford (Bufe)
  • Byron, Bunch
  • Burch, Lucas
  • Burden, Beck
  • Burden, Calvin
  • Burden, Calvin
  • Burden, Evangeline
  • Burden, Joanna
  • Burden, Juana
  • Burden, Nathaniel
  • Burden, Sarah
  • Burden, Vangie
  • Burrington, Nathaniel
  • Burrington, Nathaniel, II
  • Bush, Lem
  • Carruthers, Miss
  • Charley
  • Christmas, Joe
  • Cinthy
  • Confrey, Mame
  • Confrey, Max
  • Conner, Buck
  • Dollar
  • Gillman
  • Grimm, Percy


  • Grove, Lena
  • Grove, McKinley
  • Halliday
  • Hightower, Gail, I
  • Hightower, Reverend Gail
  • Hines, Eupheus (Uncle Doc)
  • Hines, Mrs.
  • Hines, Milly
  • Jupe
  • Kennedy, Watt
  • McEachern, Joe
  • Mame: See Confrey, Mame
  • Maxey
  • McEachern, Mrs.
  • McEachern, Simon
  • McLendon, Captain
  • Metcalf
  • Mooney
  • Peebles
  • Pomp
  • Russell
  • Salmon
  • Sartoris, Colonel John
  • Simms
  • Stevens, Gavin
  • Thompson, Pappy
  • Thompson, Roz
  • Varner, Jody
  • Varner, Will
  • Vines, Deacon
  • Waller, Hamp
  • Waller, Mrs.
  • Winterbottom


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Padgett, John B. “Light in August: Resources.” William Faulkner on the Web. 17 Aug. 2006. Ed. John B. Padgett. U of Mississippi. 06 Jul. 2024 <>.

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