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Faulkner Criticism in the 1990s:


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Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost.  Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Altman, Meryl. "The Bug That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Sex, Art, Faulkner’s Worst Novel, and the Critics." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2  (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 43-68.

Batty, Nancy E. "The Riddle of Absalom, Absalom!: Looking at the Wrong Blackbird?" Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 461-89.

Bauman, Marcy Lassota. "Faulkner’s Fiction Makes Addicts of Us All." Beyond the Pleasure Dome: Writing and Addiction from the Romantics. Eds. Sue Vice, Matthew Campbell, and Tim Armstrong. Sheffield: Sheffield Academy, 1994. 291-98.

Benway, Bruce Robbins. "'Together in Torment': Trauma as Dream in Faulkner’s Post-Civil War South." DAI 54.10 (1994): 3745A. U of California Berkeley.

Beutel, Katherine Piller. "Disembodied and Re-Embodied Voices: The Figure of Echo in American Gothic Texts." DAI 54.11 (1994): 4090A. Ohio State U.

Blaine, Diana York. "The Abjection of Addie and Other Myths of the Maternal in As I Lay Dying." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 419-39.

Blanco Outon, Cristina. "Historia y sociedad en 'Barn Burning' de William Faulkner." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 29 (November 1994): 217-24.

Bockting, Ineke. "The Figure of Parental Fusion in the Novels of William Faulkner." Fathers and Mothers in Literature. Ed. Henk Hillenaar and Walter Schonau. Psychoanalysis and Culture Series, No. 6. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. 123-36.

---. "Light in August and the Issue of Unreliability." Literature and the New Interdisciplinarity: Poetics, Linguistics, History. Eds. Robert D. Sell and Peter Verdonk. DQR Studies in Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994. 197-208.

---. "Mind Style as an Interdisciplinary Approach to Characterisation in Faulkner." Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association 3.3 (1994): 157-74.

Boozer, William, Dean Faulkner Wells, and Lawrence Wells, eds. The Faulkner Newsletter: Collected Issues. Oxford, Miss.: Yoknapatawpha Press, 1994.

Bourdieu, Pierre. Trans. Richard Nice. "A Reflecting Story." Rediscovering History: Culture, Politics, and the Psyche. Ed. Michael S. Roth. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 371-77.

Bradford, M. E. "And Wait For the Night: A Comment by Analogy." John Williams Corrington: Southern Man of Letters. Ed. William Mills. Conway, AR: UCA, 19-25.

Brown, Kenneth Mac. "Provincialism, Duplicity, and Veneration: William Faulkner’s Snopes Family." DAI 55.2 (1994): 277A. Middle Tennessee State U.

Carr, Susan. "The Turtle Mountain/Yoknapatawpha Connection." Bulletin of the West Virginia Association of College English Teachers 16 (Fall 1994): 18-25.

Castille, Philip Dubuisson. "Compson and Sternwood: William Faulkner’s 'Appendix' and The Big Sleep." Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 13.3 (Summer 1994): 54-61.

Chang, Sheng-tai. "Geomoral Landscapes: The Regional Fiction of William Faulkner and Shen Congwen." DAI 54.7 (1994): 2566A. U of Southern California.

Chapdelaine, Annick. "Transparence et retraduction des sociolectes dans The Hamlet de Faulkner." TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction: Etudes Sur le Texte et Ses Transformations 7.2 (1994): 11-33.

Chappell, Charles. "The Other Lost Women of The Sound and the Fury." Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 20.1 (Spring 1994): 1-18.

Clarke, Deborah. "Of Mothers, Robbery, and Language: Faulkner and The Sound and the Fury." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 56-77.

Clarke, Deborah. Robbing the Mother: Women in Faulkner. Jackson: UP of Missisippi, 1994.

Connell, Paul Richard. "Mimesis and Poiesis in the Novel: William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses and the Mythopoeic Turn in the American Imagination." DAI 55.3 (1994): 565A. Louisiana State U.

Curry, Renee R. "Gender and Authorial Limitation in Faulkner’s 'A Rose for Emily.'" Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 391-402.

Dardis, Tom. "'Oh, Those Awful Pressures!': Faulkner’s 'Controlled' Drinking." Beyond the Pleasure Dome: Writing and Addiction from the Romantics. Eds. Sue Vice, Matthew Campbell, and Tim Armstrong. Sheffield: Sheffield Academy, 1994. 192-99.

Delville, Michel. "Alienating Language and Darl's Narrative Consciousness in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Southern Literary Journal 27.1 (Fall 1994): 61-72.

Doyle, Don H. "The World That Created William Faulkner." Southern Review 30.3 (Summer 1994): 615-26.

Dunleavy, Linda Ellen. "Women's Place, Women's Voice: Counter-Narrative in the Fiction of Melville, Dreiser and Faulkner." DAI 54.9 (1994): 3434A-35A. State U of New York, Buffalo.

Fabijancic, Tony. "Reification, Dereification, Subjectivity: Towards a Marxist Reading of William Faulkner’s Poor-White Topography." Faulkner Journal 10.1 (Fall 1994): 75-94.

Godden, Richard. "Absalom, Absalom!, Haiti and Labor History: Reading Unreadable Revolutions." ELH 61.3 (Fall 1994): 685-720.

Fant, Gene, Jr. "Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Explicator 52.2 (Winter 1994): 104-06.

Fowler, Doreen. "'I Am Dying': Faulkner’s Hightower and the Oedipal Moment." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1994-Spring 1994): 139-48.

---. "'Little Sister Death': The Sound and the Fury and the Denied Unconscious." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 3-20.

Godden, Richard. "Absalom, Absalom! and Faulkner’s Erroneous Dating of the Haitian Revolution." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 489-95.

---. "Absalom, Absalom!, Haiti and Labor History: Reading Unreadable Revolutions." ELH 61.3 (Fall 1994): 685-720.

Goellner, Ellen W. "Force and Form in Faulkner’s Light in August." Bodies of the Text: Dance as Theory, Literature as Dance. Eds. Ellen W. Goellner and Jacqueline Shea Murphy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1994. 182-201.

Golden, Kenneth L. "Faulkner and the Furies." Dionysus in Literature: Essays on Literary Madness. Ed. Branimir M. Rieger. Bowling Green, OH: Popular, 1994. 186-96.

Gray, Richard J. The Life of William Faulkner: A Critical Biography. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

Gwin, Minrose C. "Mosquitoes' Missing Bite: The Four Deletions." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 31-41.

Hannon, Charles Timothy. "Faulkner and the Discourses of Culture." DAI 55.6 (1994): 1560A. West Virginia U.

Hanson, Philip J. "The Logic of Anti-Capitalism in The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner Journal 10.1 (Fall 1994): 3-27.

Hardin, Michael. "Freud's Family: The Journey to Bury the Death Drive in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Southern Studies: an Interdisciplinary Journal of the South 5.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1994): 95-103.

Hasegawa, Yoshio. "Two Quentins in 'That Evening Sun': Faulkner’s Revision toward The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner Studies 2.1 (April 1994): 43-49.

Hattenhauer, Darryl. "The Geometric Design of As I Lay Dying." Colby Quarterly 30.2 (June 1994): 146-53.

Holton, Robert. Jarring Witnesses: Modern Fiction and the Representation of History. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994

Hook, Andrew. "Faulkner and Sassoon." Notes and Queries 41.3 (September 1994): 377-78.

Irwin, John T. "Horace Benbow and the Myth of Narcissa." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 242-71.

Jenkins, Lee. "Psychoanalytic Conceptualizations of Characterization: Or, Nobody Laughs in Light in August." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 189-218.

Johnson, Dane A. "The Flowering of Our Tradition': William Faulkner, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Toni Morrison, and the Creation of Literary Value." DAI 54.12 (1994): 4432A-33A. Stanford U.

Jones, Anne Goodwyn. "Female, Feminine, Feminist, Femme, Faulkner?" Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 521-45.

---. "Male Fantasies?: Faulkner’s War Stories and the Construction of Gender." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 21-55.

Jones, Diane Brown. A Reader's Guide to the Short Stories of William Faulkner. New York: G.K. Hall, 1994.

Kartiganer, Donald M. "'What I Chose to Be': Freud, Faulkner, Joe Christmas, and the Abandonment of Design." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 288-314.

Kartiganer, Donald M., and Ann J. Abadie, eds. Faulkner and Psychology. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1991. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1994.

Kincaid, Nancy. "As Me and Addie Lay Dying." Southern Review 30.3 (Summer 1994): 582-95.

Kinney, Arthur F. "Faulkner and Racism." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 3.3 (1993-1994): 265-78. Online at <>

Kodat, Catherine Gunther. "Southern Modernists in Black and White: Jean Toomer, Allen Tate, William Faulkner, and Zora Neale Hurston." DAI 54.10 (1994): 3749A-50A. Boston U.

Ladd, Barbara. "'The Direction of the Howling': Nationalism and the Color Line in Absalom, Absalom!" American Literature 66.3 (September 1994): 525-51.

Lee, Kyhan. "Narration as Tragic Experience in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!" Journal of English Language & Literature (Seoul, Korea) 40.4 (Winter 1994): 743-54.

Lefort, Danielle. "L'Influence de W. Faulkner sur Antonine Maillet." Etudes Canadiennes/Canadian Studies: Revue Interdisciplinaire des Etudes Canadiennes en France 37 (December 1994): 297-304.

Liao, Caisheng. "Flags, Sound, and Dying: Linguistic Cultural Symbols in Three Faulkner Novels." DAI 55.4 (1994): 964A. Emory U.

Liu, Xian. "Echoing 'Pantaloon in Black' in Chinese." Faulkner Journal 10.1 (Fall 1994): 57-74.

Martin, Jay. "Faulkner’s 'Male Commedia': The Triumph of Manly Grief." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 123-64.

Martin, Matthew Roberts. "The Frontier Plantation: Failed Innocence in Gone with the Wind and Absalom, Absalom! DAI 55.5 (November 1994): 1263A.

Matthews, John T. "As I Lay Dying in the Machine Age." National Identities and Post-Americanist Narratives. Ed. Donald E. Pease. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1994. 69-94.

Mellard, James M. "Desire and Interpretation: Reading The Sound and the Fury." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 496-519.

Merrill, Robert. "Faulknerian Tragedy: The Example of As I Lay Dying." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 403-18.

Meyer, William E. H., Jr. "Culture-Wars/Gender-Scars: Faulkner’s South vs. America." Cross Roads: A Journal of Southern Culture 3.1 (Fall 1994-Winter 1995): 112-26.

Michel, Frann. "William Faulkner as a Lesbian Author." Men Writing the Feminine: Literature, Theory, and the Question of Genders. Ed. Theis E. Morgan. Albany: State U of New York P, 1994. 139-54.

Miller, Irene R. "Bergsonian Influences in the Stream-of-Consciousness in Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist and Ulysses [and] Faulkner’s The Sound and Fury and As I Lay Dying." DAI 55.2 (1994): 276A. St. John's U.

Minter, David L. A Cultural History of the American Novel: Henry James to William Faulkner. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Moser, Thomas C. "Faulkner’s Muse: Speculations on the Genesis of The Sound and the Fury." Critical Reconstructions: The Relationship of Fiction and Life. Eds. Robert M. Polhemus and Roger B. Henkle. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1994. 187-211.

Peppers, Cathy. "What Does Faulkner Want? Light in August as a Hysterical Male Text." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 125-37.

Porter, Carolyn. "Symbolic Fathers and Dead Mothers: A Feminist Approach to Faulkner." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 78-122.

Potts, Donna L. "Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Explicator 52.4 (Summer 1994): 236-37.

Rado, Lisa. "'A Perversion That Builds Chartres and Invents Lear Is a Pretty Good Thing': Mosquitoes and Faulkner’s Androgynous Imagination." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 13-30.

Rio-Jelliffe, R. "The Language of Time in Fiction: A Model in Faulkner’s 'Barn Burning.'" Journal of Narrative Technique 24.2 (Spring 1994): 98-113.

Roberts, Diane. Faulkner and Southern Womenhood. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1994.

Rosenberg, Saul Jacob. "Faulkner’s Allegory: A Study of the Novels of William Faulkner." DAI 54.12 (1994): 4443A-44A. Columbia U.

Ruppersburg, Hugh M. Reading Faulkner: Light in August. Reading Faulkner Series. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1994.

Salda, Michael N. "William Faulkner’s Arthurian Tale: Mayday." Arthuriana 4.4 (Winter 1994): 348-75.

Schreiber, Evelyn Jaffe. "What's Love Got to Do with It? Desire and Subjectivity in Faulkner’s Snopes Trilogy." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 83-98.

Schwartz, Richard A. "Modernist American Classical Tragedy: Absalom, Absalom!" Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 15.3-4 (August 1994): 212-21.

Shao, Bing. "Time, Death, and Gender: The Quentin Section in The Sound and the Fury." Conference of College Teachers of English Studies 59 (1994): 53-59.

Short, Hugh Joseph. "The Development of Ike McCaslin's Moral Consciousness in the Novel Go Down, Moses." DAI 55.4 (1994): 967A. Fordham U.

Skinfill, Mauri. "Faulkner, Franklin, and the Sons of the Father." Faulkner Journal 10.1 (Fall 1994): 29-56.

Smith, David Lionel. "Bloodlines and Patriarchs: 'Of Love and Dust' and Its Revisions of Faulkner." Critical Reflections on the Fiction of Ernest J. Gaines. Ed. David C. Estes. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1994. 46-61.

Strong, Amy Lovell. "Machines and Machinations: Controlling Desires in Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 69-81.

Tanaka, Takako. "What Horace Benbow Sees: Voyeurism, Narcissism, and Misogyny from Flags in the Dust to Sanctuary." Faulkner Studies 2.1 (April 1994): 27-41.

Taylor, Nancy Dew. Annotations to William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses. William Faulkner, Annotations to the Novels Series. New York: Garland, 1994.

Tumanov, Vladimir. "A Tale Told by Two Idiots: Krik idiota v 'Shkole dlia durakov' S. Sokolova i v 'Shume i iarkosti' U. Folknera." Russian Language Journal 48.159-161 (Winter-Fall 1994): 137-54.

Vanderwerken, David L. "Faulkner’s Anti-Bildungsromane." JASAT 25 (October 1994): 50-58.

Visser, Irene. "Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Explicator 52.3 (Spring 1994): 171-72.

---. "Knowing and Remembering: Light in August as Readerly/Writerly Text." Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature, Literary/Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 1.2 (Spring-Summer 1994): 35-65.

Watkins, Ralph. "'It Was Like I Was the Woman and She Was the Man': Boundaries, Portals, and Pollution in Light in August." Southern Literary Journal 26.2 (Spring 1994): 11-24.

Watson, Jay. "Faulkner’s Forensic Fiction and the Question of Authorial Neurosis." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 165-88.

---. "Overdoing Masculinity in Light in August: Or, Joe Christmas and the Gender Guard." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 149-77.

Watson, Neil. "The 'Incredibly Loud ... Miss-fire': A Sexual Reading of Go Down, Moses." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 113-23.

Whissell, Cynthia M. "A Computer Program for the Objective Analysis of Style and Emotional Connotations of Prose: Hemingway, Galsworthy, and Faulkner Compared." Perceptual and Motor Skills 79.2 (October 1994): 815-24.

Williams, Michael. "Cross-Dressing in Yoknapatawpha County." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 369-90.

Wilson, Andrew J. "The Corruption in Looking: William Faulkner’s Sanctuary as a Detective Novel." Mississippi Quarterly 47.3 (Summer 1994): 441-60.

Witt, Robert W. "On Faulkner and Verbena." Southern Literary Journal 27.1 (Fall 1994): 73-84.

Wood, Amy Louise. "Feminine Rebellion and Mimicry in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Faulkner Journal 9.1-2 (Fall 1993-Spring 1994): 99-112.

Woodbery, Bonnie. "The Abject in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying." Literature and Psychology 40.3 (1994): 26-42.

Wyatt, David. "Faulkner and the Reading Self." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 272-87.

Yin, Xiaoling. "Snow Is Dead Rain: Cross-Cultural Aesthetics. Reading Lu Xun, James Joyce, and William Faulkner." DAI 54.12 (1994): 4435A-36A. U of Massachusetts.

Zeitlin, Michael "Faulkner and Psychoanalysis: The Elmer Case." Kartiganer and Abadie, Faulkner and Psychology (1994): 219-41.

---. "Faulkner, Joyce, and the Problem of Influence in The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner Studies 2.1 (April 1994): 3-25.

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