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“That Evening Sun”:
Selected Bibliography

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Bennett, Ken. “The Language of the Blues in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 38.3 (Summer 1985): 339-42.

Bethea, Sally. “Further Thoughts on Racial Implications in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Notes on Mississippi Writers 6 (1974): 87-92.

Bradford, Melvin E.; Hogan, Patrick G., Jr., rejoinder. “Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 28.8 (1966): 1-3.

Brown, May Cameron. “Voice in ‘That Evening Sun’: A Study of Quentin Compson.” Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture 29 (1976): 347-60.

Coburn, Mark D. “Nancy’s Blues: Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Per 17.3 (1974): 207-16.

Davis, Scottie. “Faulkner’s Nancy: Racial Implications in ‘That Evening Sun.’” Notes on Mississippi Writers 5 (1972): 30-32.

Gabler, Hans Walter. “The Synchrony and Diachrony of Texts: Practice and Theory of the Critical Edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses.” TEXT: Transactions of the Soc. for Textual Scholarship 1 (1981): 305-26.

Garrison, Joseph M., Jr. “The Past and the Present in ‘That Evening Sun.’” Studies in Short Fiction 13 (1976): 371-73.

Gartner, Carol B. “Faulkner in Context: Seeing ‘That Evening Sun’ through the Blues.” Southern Quarterly 34.2 (Winter 1996): 50-58.

Hamblin, Robert W. “Before the Fall: The Theme of Innocence in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Notes on Mississippi Writers 11 (1979): 86-94.

Hasegawa, Yoshio. “Two Quentins in ‘That Evening Sun’: Faulkner’s Revision toward The Sound and the Fury.” Faulkner Studies 2.1 (April 1994): 43-49.

Hermann, John. “Faulkner’s Heart’s Darling in ‘That Evening Sun.’” Studies in Short Fiction 7 (1970): 320-23.

Ilacqua, Alma A. “The Place of the Elect in Three Narratives.” Christian Scholar’s Review 12.2 (1983): 126-38.

Johnston, Kenneth G. “The Year of Jubilee: Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 46 (1974): 93-100.

Kuyk, Dirk, Jr.; Kuyk, Betty M.; Miller, James A. “Black Culture in William Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Journal of American Studies 20.1 (April 1986): 33-50.

Lee, Jim. “The Problem of Nancy in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” South Central Bulletin 21.4 (1961): 49-50.

Manglaviti, Leo J.M. “Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun’ and Mencken’s ‘Best Editorial Judgement.’” American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 43 (1972): 649-54.

Momberger, Philip. “Faulkner’s ‘The Village’ and ‘That Evening Sun’: The Tale in Context.” Southern Literary Journal 11.1 (1978): 20-31.

Perrine, Laurence. “‘That Evening Sun’: A Skein of Uncertainties.” Studies in Short Fiction 22.3 (Summer 1985): 295-307.

Pitcher, E. W. “Motive and Metaphor in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Studies in Short Fiction 18.2 (Spring 1981): 131-35.

Rosenman, John B. “The Heaven and Hell Archetype in Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun’ and Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine.” South Atlantic Bulletin: A Quarterly Journal Devoted to Research and Teaching in the Modern Languages and Literatures 43.2 (1978): 12-16.

Samway, Patrick, S.J. “Searching for Jason Richmond Compson: A Question of Echolalia and a Problem of Palimpsest.” Intertextuality in Faulkner. Eds. Michel Gresset and Noel Polk. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1985. 178-209.

Slabey, Robert M. “Faulkner’s Nancy as ‘Tragic Mulatto.’” Studies in Short Fiction 27.3 (Summer 1990): 409-13.

Sunderman, Paula. “Speech Act Theory and Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Language and Style: An International Journal 14.4 (Fall 1981): 304-14.

Toole, William B., III. “Faulkner’s ‘That Evening Sun.’” Explicator 22 (1963): Item 52.

See also the bibliography of General Works on Faulkner’s Short Stories

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