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Faulkner Criticism in the 1990s:


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Note: This listing is provided as a guide to locate scholarly print resources (typically books and articles) pertaining to Faulkner. Except in a few rare instances, these resources are not freely available on the Internet. Some resources may be available via subscription-based online databases, such as Ebscohost.  Because they are protected by copyright, none of the bibliographical resources listed here are available online at this web site.

Arnold, David L. "There Is No Such Thing as 'Was.'" Journal of Narrative Technique 26.2 (Spring 1996): 172-86.

Arnold, Edwin T. "'Give Me Lief': Snopes and Fair Play." Chiba Review 18 (1996): 1-11.

---. Reading Faulkner: Sanctuary. Reading Faulkner Series. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 

Barnett, Louise K. "Caddy and Nancy: Race, Gender, and Personal Identity in 'That Evening Sun' and The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 134-39.

Barnett, Pamela E. "The Language of Rape: Sexual Violence in Novels by Faulkner, Naylor and Morrison." DAI 57.4 (October 1996): 1614A.

Bedard, Brian. "The Real Meaning of William Faulkner’s 'The Bear.'" South Dakota Review 34.1 (Spring 1996): 3-5.

Bennett, Bruce. "Homecomings: A Personal Reflection." A Talent(ed) Digger. Eds. Hena Maes-Jelinek, Gordon Collier, and Geoffrey V. Davis. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 85-88.

Bergman, Jill. "'This Was the Answer to It': Sexuality and Maternity in As I Lay Dying." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 393-407.

Bessiere, Jean. "Carlos Fuentes Vis-ŕ-Vis William Faulkner: Novel, Tragedy, History." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 33-42.

Blanco Outon, Cristina. "La narrativa breve de William Faulkner: El tema de la soledad como hilo conductor de 'Collected Stories' (The Short Stories of William Faulkner: Solitude as a Guiding Theme in the 'Collected Stories.'" DAI 57.2 (Summer 1996): Item 1553C.

Bledsoe, Erik. "Margaret Mitchell's Review of Soldiers' Pay." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 591-93.

Bockting, Ineke. "Deconstructing the 'Necessary' World: Southern Defensive Narrative and the Childhood Autobiography." "Writing" Nation and "Writing" Region in America. Eds. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: VU UP, 1996. 145-55.

Boyd, Molly. "William Faulkner’s 'Doctor Martino.'" Southern Quarterly 34.2 (Winter 1996): 39-49.

Brown, Joseph. "To Cheer the Weary Traveler: Toni Morrison, William Faulkner, and History." Mississippi Quarterly 49.4 (Fall 1996): 709-26.

Brumm, Ursula. "Motive im Familienroman: William Faulkners The Sound and the Fury." Familienbildung als Schicksal: Wandlungen eines Motivbereichs in der neueren Literatur. Ed. Theodor Wolpers. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996. 256-74.

---. "Some Thoughts on Faulkner’s 'Racism.'" Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 6.1 (1996-97): 98-102. Online at <>

Burton, Stacy. "Bakhtin, Temporality and Modern Narrative: Writing 'the Whole Triumphant Murderous Unstoppable Chute.'" Comparative Literature 48.1 (Winter 1996): 39-64.

Calkins, Paul Luis. "Be Careful What You Wish For: As I Lay Dying and the Shaming of Abjection." Faulkner Journal 12.1 (Fall 1996): 91-109.

Caluori, Bettina Roth. "Interpretation and Pedagogy: Faulkner and the Pragmatics of Reading and Writing." DAI 56.8 (February 1996): 3123A.

Carbonell, Bettina Messias. "Coming to Terms for History: Refigurations of Typology in Hawthorne and Faulkner." DAI 56.10 (April 1996): 3954A-55A.

Castro Sanchez, Miguel. "Tipos, caricaturas y 'grotesques' en As I Lay Dying de William Faulkner." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 32-33 (1996): 207-15.

Clarke, Deborah. "Gender, War, and Cross-Dressing in The Unvanquished." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 228-51.

Clausius, Claudia. "'A Rose for Emily': The Faulknerian Construction of Meaning." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 144-49.

Cohen, Philip. "Faulkner and Racism: A Commentary on Arthur F. Kinney's 'Faulkner and Racism.'" Connotations 5.1 (1995-96): 108-18.  Online at <>

---. "Faulkner Studies and Ideology Critique in the 1990s." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 633-53.

---, and Doreen Fowler. "Using Faulkner’s Introduction to Teach The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 49-57.

Cullick, Jonathan S. "'I Had a Design': Sutpen as Narrator in Absalom, Absalom!" Southern Literary Journal 28.2 (Spring 1996): 48-58.

Cunningham, J. Christopher. "Sutpen's Designs: Masculine Reproduction and the Unmaking of the Self-Made Man in Absalom, Absalom!" Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 563-89.

Dahill-Baue, William. "Insignificant Monkeys: Preaching Black English in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury and Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Beloved." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 457-73.

Daniels, Lenore. "William Faulkner: Sacrifice and Chivalry in Southern Culture" DAI 57.3 (September 1996): 1134A.

Davis, Thadious M. "The Game of Courts: Go Down, Moses, Arbitrary Legalities, and Compensatory Boundaries." New Essays on Go Down, Moses. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 129-54.

Davis, Todd. "A Loss of Innocence: The Act of Reading William Faulkner in a Postmodern World." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 ( 1996): 619-32.

Delay, Florence, and Jacqueline de Labriolle. Trans. Arthur W. Wilhelm. "Is Garcia Marquez the Colombian Faulkner." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 119-38.

Delville, Michel. "Vardaman's Fish and Addie's Jar: Faulkner’s Tales of Mourning and Desire." Hungarian Journal of English & American Studies 1 (1996): 85-91.

Desmond, John F. "Teaching Religion and Philosophy in The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 84-88.

Dimino, Andrea. "Miss Rosa as 'Love's Androgynous Advocate': Gender and Narrative Indeterminacy in Chapter 5 of Absalom, Absalom!" Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 181-96.

Donlon, Jocelyn Hazelwood. "Porches: Stories: Power: Spatial and Racial Intersections in Faulkner and Hurston." Journal of American Culture 19.4 (Winter 1996): 95-110.

Dunleavy, Linda. "Sanctuary, Sexual Difference, and the Problem of Rape." Studies in American Fiction 24.2 (Autumn 1996): 171-91.

Duvall, John N. "Contextualizing The Sound and the Fury: Sex, Gender, and Community in Modern American Fiction." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 101-07.

---. "Faulkner’s Crying Game: Male Homosexual Panic." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 48-72.

Forter, Gregory. "Faulkner’s Black Holes: Vision and Vomit in Sanctuary." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 537-62.

Fowler, Doreen. "'I Want to Go Home': Faulkner, Gender, and Death." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996.  3-19.

Faulkner, Jim. Talking about William Faulkner: Interviews with Jimmy Faulkner and Others. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Frisch, Mark. "Nature, Postmodernity, and Real Marvelous: Faulkner, Quiroga, Mallea, Rulfo, Carpentier." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 67-82.

Fuentes, Carlos. Trans. Trude Stern and Evelyn Tavarelli. "The Novel as Tragedy: William Faulkner." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 13-31.

Gable, Harvey L., Jr. "Hightower's Apotheosis in Light in August." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 40.

Gantt, Patricia M. "'This Guerilla Warfare of Everyday Life': The Politics of Clothing in Faulkner’s Fiction." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 409-23.

Gartner, Carol B. "Faulkner in Context: Seeing 'That Evening Sun' through the Blues." Southern Quarterly 34.2 (Winter 1996): 50-58.

Goldberg, Wendy Fay. "Faulkner’s Haunted House: The Figure of the Recluse in Light in August' and Absalom, Absalom!" DAI 57.6 (December 1996): 2475A.

Gray, Richard. "'Implacable and Brooding Image': William Faulkner and Southern Landscape." "Writing" Nation and "Writing" Region in America. Eds. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: VU UP, 1996. 128-38.

Gwin, Minrose. "Her Shape, His Hand: The Spaces of African American Women in Go Down, Moses." New Essays on Go Down, Moses. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 73-100.

---. "Did Ernest Like Gordon?: Faulkner’s Mosquitoes and the Bite of 'Gender Trouble.'" Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 120-44.

Hahn, Stephen. "Desires Become Words: A Formal and Thematic Approach to Teaching 'Dry September' and The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 150-54.

---, and Arthur F. Kinney. Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Approaches to Teaching World Literature 57. New York: MLA, 1996.

Halfmann, Ulrich. "Die Tryrannei der Lesererwartung: Anmerkungen zu Rezeption und Edition von Faulkners Absalom, Absalom!" Expedition nach der Wahrheit. Eds. Stefan Horlacher and Marion Islinger. Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1996. 567-83.

Hanley, Lawrence F. "Popular Culture and Crisis: King Kong Meets Edmund Wilson." Radical Revisions: Rereading 1930s Culture. Eds. Bill Mullen and Sherry Lee Linkon. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1996. 242-63.

Henninger, Katherine. "'It's an Outrage': Pregnancy and Abortion in Faulkner’s Fiction of the Thirties." Faulkner Journal 12.1 (Fall 1996): 23-41.

Hernandez, Maria del Carmen, et al. "An Interview with Ricardo Piglia." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 43-50.

Hines, Thomas S. William Faulkner and the Tangible Past: The Architecture of Yoknapatawpha. California Studies in the History of Art 38. Berkeley: U of California P, 1996.

Holmes, Catherine D. Annotations to William Faulkner’s The Hamlet. William Faulkner, Annotations to the Novels Series. New York: Garland, 1996.

Holtz, Daniel J. "History on the Margins and in the Mainstream: Teaching The Sound and the Fury in Its Southern Historical Context." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 96-100.

Honnighausen, Löthar. "Mythic Sex in Mississippi: Eula and Ike Snopes." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 5.2-3 (1995-1996): 276-83.

Horton, Merrill. "An Annotation of William Faulkner’s The Town." DAI 56.8 (February 1996): 3125A.

---. Annotations to William Faulkner’s The Town. William Faulkner, Annotations to the Novels Series. New York: Garland, 1996. 

Hostetler, Ann Elizabeth. "Telling the Story of the Past: History, Identity, and Community in Fiction by Walter Scott, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, and Leslie Silko." DAI 57.6 (December 1996): 2475A-76A.

Hustis, Harriet. "The Tangled Webs We Weave: Faulkner Scholarship and the Significance of Addie Bundren's Monologue." Faulkner Journal 12.1 (Fall 1996): 3-21.

Irwin, John T. Doubling and Incest/Repetition and Revenge: A Speculative Reading of Faulkner. 1975. Expanded ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1996.

Jones, Anne Goodwyn. "The Work of Gender in the Southern Renaissance." Southern Writers and Their Worlds. Eds. Christopher Morris and Steven G. Reinhardt. College Station: Texas A&M UP, 1996. 41-56.

Kartiganer, Donald M., and Ann J. Abadie, eds. Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996.

Kinney, Arthur. "Author's Commentary." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 5.1 (1995-1996): 119-24.  Online at <>

---. "Faulkner and Racial Mythology." Connotations: a Journal for Critical Debate 5.2-3 (1995-1996): 259-75. Online at <>

---. Go Down, Moses: The Miscegenation of Time. Twayne's Masterwork Studies 148. New York: Twayne, 1996.

---. "Teaching Narrative as Meaning in 'A Justice' and The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 140-43.

Kinney, Arthur F., ed. Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Sutpen Family. Critical Essays on American Literature Series. New York: Hall, 1996.

Kirchdorfer, Ulf. "The Sound and the Fury: What the Animals Tell Us." Arkansas Review 5.1-2 (August 1996): 102-12.

Kiss, Zsurzsanna. "Lie Down in Darkness versus The Sound and the Fury: A Comparative Analysis." Hungarian Journal of English & American Studies 1 (1996): 133-45.

Kleppe, Sandra Lee. "The Curse of God in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses." Literature & Theology: an International Journal of Theory, Criticism & Culture 10.4 (December 1996): 361-69.

Kotani, Koji. "Faulkner’s Method of Rewriting and Historical Consciousness: The Gun Motif in The Unvanquished." Studies in Languages & Cultures 7 (1996): 1-11.

Ladd, Barbara. Nationalism and the Color Line in George W. Cable, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Lahey, Michael E. "Narcissa's Love Letters: Illicit Space and the Writing of Female Identity in 'There Was a Queen.'" Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 160-80.

LaLonde, Chris. "'In Other Words': Language, Identity, and Ideology in William Faulkner’s Sanctuary." Chiba Review 18 (1996): 24-42.

LaLonde, Christopher A. William Faulkner and the Rites of Passage. Macon, Ga.: Mercer UP, 1996.

LeCoeur, Jo. "It Takes a Village To Weave This Tale." Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association (1996): n.p.

Lienard, Marie. "Visages de la passion chez Mauriac et Faulkner." Francois Mauriac et l'observation des passions. Ed. Andre Seailles. Paris: Assn. Internat. des Amis de Francois Mauriac, 1996. 257-76.

Lienard, Marie Helene. "Poetics of Heat in Mauriac's Landes and Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha County." DAI 56.11 (May 1996): 4389-90.

Liu, Jun. "Nihilists and Their Relations: A Nietzschean Approach to Teaching The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 89-95.

Llewellyn, Dara. "Waves of Time in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses." Studies in Short Fiction 33.4 (Fall 1996): 497-513.

Lockyer, Judith. "'Postulating What Is': Faulkner’s Negative Constructions." Chiba Review 18 (1996): 12-23.

Marquez, Antonio C. "Faulkner in Latin America." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 83-100.

Matthews, John T. "Text and Context: Teaching The Sound and the Fury after Deconstruction." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 122-27.

---. "Touching Race in Go Down, Moses." New Essays on Go Down, Moses. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 21-47.

Meeter, Glenn A. "Beyond Lexicon: Biblical 'Allusion' in Faulkner." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 595-602.

Mellard, James M., ed. "William Faulkner." Special Issue. Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996).

Michels, John Damen. "Leadership Styles in the Major Novels of William Faulkner: A Literary Analysis." DAI 56.7 (January 1996): 2683A.

Miles, Caroline. "An Unshapely Whore and an Enchanting Beauty in William Faulkner’s Light in August." Publications of the Mississippi Philological Association (1996): n.p.

Moore, Gene M. "From Regional Bears to National Myths: The Rewriting of William Faulkner." "Writing" Nation and "Writing" Region in America. Eds. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: VU UP, 1996.  139-44.

---. "The Narrative Surface of Sanctuary." Etudes faulkneriennes, I: Sanctuary. Ed. Michel Gresset. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes, 1996. 21-25.

Morris, Mark. "Gossip and History: Nakagami, Faulkner, Garcia Marquez." Japan Forum 8.1 (March 1996): 35-50.

Mortimer, Gail L. "'Barn Burning' and The Sound and the Fury as an Introduction to Faulknerian Style and Themes." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 128-33.

Novak, Phillip. "Meaning, Mourning, and the Form of Modern Narrative: The Inscription of Loss in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Faulkner Journal 12.1 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 63-90.

Ozdemir, Erinc. "The Thematic and Structural Function of Time in William Faulkner’s 'The Bear.'" Journal of American Studies of Turkey 3 (1996): 95-105.

Parker, Robert Dale. "Sex and Gender, Feminine and Masculine: Faulkner and the Polymorphous Exchange of Cultural Binaries." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 73-96.

---. "'Through the Fence, between the Curling Flower Spaces': Teaching the First Section of The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 27-37.

Peek, Charles. "Order and Flight: Teaching The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 68-72.

Peters, Erskine. "The Bon Family." Critical Essays on William Faulkner: The Sutpen Family. Ed. Arthur F. Kinney. New York: Hall, 207-15.

Peters, John G. "Repudiation, Wilderness, Birthright: Reconciling Conflicting Views of Faulkner’s Ike McCaslin." English Language Notes 33.3 (March 1996): 39-46.

Pittman, Barbara L. "Faulkner’s Big Woods and the Historical Necessity of Revision." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 475-95.

Polchin, James. "Selling a Novel: Faulkner’s Sanctuary as a Psychosexual Text." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 145-59.

Polk, Noel. Children of the Dark House: Text and Context in Faulkner. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996.

Polk, Noel. "Faulkner: The Artist as Cuckold." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 20-47.

Pothier, Jacques. "Voices from the South, Voices of the Souths: Faulkner, Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Borges." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-1996): 101-18.

Prego, Omar. Trans. Trude Stern and Evelyn Tavarelli. "William Faulkner and Juan Carlos Onetti: Revisiting Some Critical Approaches about a Literary Affinity." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 139-48.

Rado, Lisa. "A Failed Sublime: The Modern Androgyne Imagination." DAI 56.12 (June 1996): 4768A.

Reid, Panthea. "Teaching The Sound and the Fury as a Postimpressionist Novel." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 114-21.

Rogers, David. "Maternalizing the Epicene: Faulkner’s Paradox of Form and Gender." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 97-119.

Ross, Stephen M. Reading Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury. Reading Faulkner Series. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996.

Saad, Gabriel. Trans. Evelyn Tavarelli. "An Interview with Juan Jose Saer." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 59-65.

Saunders, Rebecca. "On Lamentation and the Redistribution of Possessions: Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and the New South." Modern Fiction Studies 42.4 (Winter 1996): 730-62.

Sensibar, Judith L. "Who Wears the Mask? Memory, Desire, and Race in Go Down, Moses." New Essays on Go Down, Moses. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 101-27.

Skaggs, Merrill Maguire. "Thefts and Conversation: Cather and Faulkner." Cather Studies 3 (1996): 115-36.

Skinfill, Mauri. "Reconstructing Class in Faulkner’s Late Novels: The Hamlet and the Discovery of Capital." Studies in American Fiction 24.2 (Autumn 1996): 151-69.

Srikanth, Rajini. "Why I, a Woman of Color from India, Enjoy Teaching William Faulkner." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 441-56.

Stanchich, Maritza. "The Hidden Caribbean 'Other' in William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!: An Ideological Ancestry of U. S. Imperialism." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 603-17.

Stern, Trude, trans. "An Unsigned Prologue." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 11.

Storhoff, Gary. "Jasons's Role-Slippage: The Dynamics of Alcoholism in The Sound and the Fury." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 519-35.

Sullivan, M. Nell. "Persons in Pieces: Races and Aphanisis in Light in August." Mississippi Quarterly 49.3 (Summer 1996): 497-517.

Taylor, Walter. "The Compson Appendix as an Aid to Teaching The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 64-67.

Tebbetts, Terrell L. "Giving Jung a Crack at the Compsons." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 79-83.

Urgo, Joseph. "Deep Breathing: Faulknerian Reflections on Ricardo Piglia's Artificial Respiration." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 51-58.

Urgo, Joseph R. "Faulkner Unplugged: Abortopoesis and The Wild Palms." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 252-72.

Valente, Luiz Fernando. "Marriages of Speaking and Hearing: Meditation and Response in Absalom, Absalom! and Grande Sertao: Veredas." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 149-64.

VanderVeen, Arthur A. "Faulkner, the Interwar Gold Standard, and Discourses of Value in the 1930s." Faulkner Journal 12.1 (Fall 1996): 43-62.

Vanderwerken, David L. "The Abused Childhood of Joe Christmas." Arkansas Review 5.1-2 (1996): 113-17.

Vegh, Beatriz. "The Wild Palms and Las palmeras salvajes: The Southern Counterpoint Faulkner/Borges." Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 165-79.

---. "William Faulkner’s Works Translated into Spanish Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996): 181-84.

---, introd. Preface by Michel Gresset. "A Latin American Faulkner." Special issue. Faulkner Journal 11.1-2 (Fall 1995-Spring 1996).

Visser, Irene. Compassion in Faulkner’s Fiction. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen P, 1996.

Wachholz, Michael. "Marginality and William Faulkner’s Light in August." Cultural Difference and the Literary Text: Pluralism and the Limits of Authenticity in North American Literatures. Eds. Winfried Siemerling and Katrin Schwenk. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1996. 130-41.

Wagner-Martin, Linda, ed. New Essays on Go Down, Moses. American Novel Series. New York: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Wang, Jennie. "Romantic Love and Its Repudiation of Cultural Legacy: Faulkner’s Silver Horn in 'Delta Autumn.'" Short Story 4.2 (Fall 1996): 85-102.

Watson, James G. "Private Writing and the Published Novel: Letters and Gifts." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 58-63.

Weinstein, Arnold. "'Trying to Say': Sound and Silence, Subject and Community in The Sound and the Fury." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 38-48.

Weinstein, Philip M. "Mister: The Drama of Black Manhood in Faulkner and Morrison." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 273-96.

---. "Teaching The Sound and the Fury in the Context of European Modernism." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 108-13.

---. What Else But Love?: The Ordeal of Race in Faulkner and Morrison. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996.

"William Faulkner: A Special Issue." Chiba Review 18 (1996). Chiba, Japan.

Wittenberg, Judith Bryant. "Go Down, Moses and the Discourse of Environmentalism." New Essays on Go Down, Moses. Ed. Linda Wagner-Martin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 49-71.

---. "Teaching The Sound and the Fury with Freud." Approaches to Teaching Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury. Ed. Stephen Hahn and Arthur F. Kinney. New York: MLA, 1996. 73-78.

Wolff, Sally, and Floyd C. Watkins, eds. Talking about William Faulkner: Interviews with Jimmy Faulkner and Others. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Yaeger, Patricia. "Faulkner’s 'Greek Amphora Priestess': Verbena and Violence in The Unvanquished." Faulkner and Gender. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1994. Eds. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 197-227.

Yarup, Robert L. "Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Explicator. 55.1 (Fall 1996): 34-37.

Yuan, Yuan. "The Lacanian Subject and Grotesque Desires: Between Oedipal Violation and Narcissistic Closure." American Journal of Psychoanalysis 56.1 (March 1996): 35-47.

Zeitlin, Michael. "Masochism in Sanctuary." Etudes faulkneriennes, I: Sanctuary. Ed. Michel Gresset. Rennes, France: PU de Rennes, 1996. 97-105.

---. "Pylon, Joyce, and Faulkner’s Imagination." Faulkner and the Artist. Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 1993. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1996. 181-207.

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